Author Topic: Shari Valentine "Head Heyoka" of Lone Star  (Read 8266 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Shari Valentine "Head Heyoka" of Lone Star
« on: November 04, 2023, 12:43:02 am »
Along with white lawyer Michael Hull, one of the leaders of Mary Grimes AKA Mary Thunder's cult, the Lone Star community, since Grimes passed away.

We received an account about her. It described cult members paying thousands for ceremony, emotional abuse and intimidation, and that the followers are exclusively white and upper middle class. Couples and families have broken up.

Valentine has taught in Arkansas and Texas, but she and Hull make much of their money off of their followers. AFAIK none of the schools she worked at or received degrees from were aware of her being a leader in an abusive cult.
Henderson State University SHARI VALENTINE Assistant Professor of Human Services/Sociology

I don't think I've ever seen ratings this bad for a professor.
Shari Valentine Professor in the Sociology department at University of Houston - Clear Lake
Hendrix College SOCIOLOGY/ ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT Shari Valentine Adjunct Teaching Staff
B.S., University of Houston Clear Lake, 2005 M.A., University of Houston Clear Lake, 2007 Ph.D., Texas A & M University, 2019