Author Topic: Dawn Fitzpatrick AKA Finian Patraic AKA Maestro Holocausto & Other Racist Names  (Read 34631 times)

Offline educatedindian

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I received accounts from those who've known Dawn a long time. It's confirmed he has zero ties or Native ancestry at all.

Dawn's impersonation began in 2015. It's pretty much a game for him. He lives a comfortable middle class life most of the time, just like his parents. But online he plays at being NDN and plays at being a white supremacist hoping to get as many to talk about him as possible.

There's some speculation it may be mental illness and worry he could be drawn into something dangerous. Some who've known him a while are angry with him over his games and harm he's done.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 444
    • The Racist Known As Buck Ghosthorse
Dawn Fitzpatrick is expected to play in a neo-nazi concert this April 2025.

The e-mail address to order tickets and to find out where the concert will take place in April 2025 (e-mail address made illegible by us above) contains a reference to Nazi Germany

At the top of the bill, next to Ad Hominem, is the Canadian group Ifernach, with Dawn Fitzpatrick as its sole member. A man who doesn't like anti-fascists, as is evident in the song ATA on the cassette Murder Chaos Crematoria (from 2024). On it, Ifernach/Dawn Fitzpatrick sings (translated) : "Call me a racist, call me a Nazi. I'll be whatever you want me to be. Sieg Heil to you, Sieg Heil to what you preach, holy preacher of human rights. Black Metal War, disgrace of the race, weakened vulnerable bastards. We must atomize antifa, our heritage is destroyed and you march on our ruins, screaming for unity and peace, controlling like a police scene." Dawn Fitzpatrick also plays in others such as Aufnorden who uses a swastika on the cassette Unter dem Schnee and in Maeströ Cröque Mört who depicts the fascist Black Sun on the cover of Cuisine & Poésie Noire / Bourreau De Village .

Thiss from a Google translation from Dutch to English
