I myself am in my late 60s. I have personal experience with various destructive groups. I continue to learn through NAFPS and
https://www.culteducation.com/ . I regularly am active here sharing research (past accounts include Epiphany, Piff).
I bring all this to evaluating Pablo Gustav Alfero/ Teo Alfero. I'm skimming through his recent book "Transmission: An Anthology on Consciousness, Dreaming and Heart".
In my estimation Alfero is running a Castaneda cult. Same loaded languge, same practices, same focus on manipulating an inner circle of women.
Alfero says he learned from
Carol Tiggs.
Carol Tiggs' names here:
Muni Alexander, aka Carol Tiggs, aka Carol Aranha, aka Elizabeth Austin (Kathleen Pohlman)
http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=1712.30Alfero's inner circle according to this book:
Amy Harris
Jen Ziegner
Nicholette Routhier
Lauren Jane Heller
Stefanie Menack
Wendy Cirello
Erin Kinney
Janet Douglas
Alfero profoundly manipulates and messes with people. These women believe they are learning how to be "multidimensional Witch" Sorceress in an Alfero Coven. All the Castaneda group structure is repeated by Alfero.
People with mental/physical health challenges, even any human having human lives - can be basically driven nuts by Alfero. He teaches people to be spaced out, confused, exhausted, and utterly devoted to him.
Even though there is talk of "witch" and "coven" this group has nothing to do with modern pagan groups that are earth centered and ideally not appropriative.
Alfero manipulates his "Sisterhood" group members into being self-absorbed and crazy. He profoundly psychologically messes with them.
This is a dangerous, unsafe cult.And just like Castaneda, there is talk about jumping off a cliff.