We may eventually get questions on him.
Book is titled "Decolonizing Wealth, Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance".
His surname Villanueva is from a step father with Filipino heritage.
He writes he was given a "Native name, Niigaanii Beneshi (Ojibwe) means "Leading Bird" by an "Ojibwe medicine man". This man was not named. I wish he was named since apparently aura colors and swirling ancestor spirits are involved in giving a "native name".
About the Lumbee he writes "Some of them look as stereotypically Indian as Sitting Bull, as my maternal grandfather did".
His heritage claim is maternal. Grandmother Gracie (Bryant) Miller who died in 2020. He includes her husband with surname Jacobs in this claim.
He says he is an "enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina", which is state not federally recognized. They have their own membership rules.
His speaking fees range from $25,000 to $30,000.
https://speaking.com/speakers/edgar-villanueva/He identifies as a healer in this book.
I'm put off by his generalized claims such as "In the Indigenous worldview, many kinds of things can be medicine.".
"Much of the inspiration for the 'medicine' prescribed in the pages of Decolonizing Wealth comes from Native elders and the Indigenous worldview." He does not name who these elders are.