Author Topic: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman  (Read 157417 times)


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Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« on: March 06, 2006, 04:48:42 am »
Greetings to all, I'm still around.

I've been trying to help a friend research this woman.  She is trying to discredit Arvol Looking Horse as the true Keeper of the Pipe.  I've not found too much, but here's what I have...

Her bio

She seems to somehow be affiliated or supported by this manataka indian council, which I have seen exposed on Trish's frauds site:

And, here's a press release

Thanks for any other info you can share...


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 12:25:20 am »
What strikes me right away is the way she's making these claims, and her purpose. Why would an alleged keeper of the pipe go so public, try to be so divisive, and spread her message on the internet among many sites that are not exactly traditional? By that, obviously, I mean Manataka, whose main purpose is to discredit elders like Looking Horse who speak out against exploiters like them.

Her homepage. Notice how her writing doesn't sound like any elder I've ever read the words of. It's more like tabloid writing. "the awful truth."

Some of her claims don't add up at all.
"Suzanne remained in Seattle for the next 17 years. She worked for three years with the Seattle Indian Health Board and later became a hair dresser for an upscale salon called Tomahawk Style Shop. By 1975 Suzanne was well versed in Lakota stories and she attended many private and public ceremonies at Pine Ridge, Rose Bud and Cheyenne River reservations. Because she lived a long way from the reservation life in Seattle, a large modern city, learning about Lakota/Mnicoujou ways was not easy, but she persisted in her quest for spiritual knowledge. During one trip to a Sun Dance with a fellow stylist from England, Arthur Trebel, Suzanne became aware of another side of Lakota/Oglala life. Arthur Treble is a three time World Champion hairdresser Suzanne apprenticed with for nine years. Treble was present when at the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Ceremony in 1975 when she received her first Pipe from her uncle, Chauncey Dupris, a noted Lakota Heyoka medicine man and Sun Dance leader and her adult Lakota name from Ceremonial Chief & Holy Man, Frank Fools Crow."

In other words, she's asking us to believe she got a sacred pipe and that Fools Crow gave a ceremonial name to...a hairdresser who hadn't lived
on the rez for close to 20 years?

The site quotes from Thomas Mails, an exploiter whose notorious for not being either accurate or truthful.

Some of these accusations are about as slanderous and sensationalistic as can be, claiming traditionals looted her father's grave looking to take the pipe.

And here we come to wyhat looks to be the real purpose of these claims, an attack on the attempt to protect ceremonies from vultures, disguised as feminism.

Every other site I found her claims being pushed on has Manataka's fingerprints. They should really be ashamed of themselves, but I doubt they will be.

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 12:37:15 am »
Here's a discussion by some pretty big names, pointing out all the ways she has her facts wrong, and how offensive and disrespectful her site is, discussing things never to be discussed in public, posting photos of the sacred pipe.
"From: Glenn Welker
To: IPL List
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:47 PM
Subject: [Indigenous Peoples Literature] Re: Story of Looking Back Woman

Posted by: Paula Antoine

From: Carter Camp <>
To: paulah <>, 'Vivian High Elk' <>,
CC:,,,,,, Paula Antoine <>, Beatrice Lookinghorse <>
Subject: RE: look for your name floyd.
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 12:05:20 -0800 (PST)

I don't think AIM was at Green Grass until after Wounded Knee in 1973, they probably went there in about 1976, enit? This woman's all mixed up. CC

paulah <> wrote: Now that I have read most of this to Arvol, it is plain that the Pipe is Fools Crow's, of course all are called "sacred pipe". That is the Sundance Pipe, period. Her father must have interpreted this as "the sacred pipe". So
this is what she learned, passed to her and now she is mis-interpreting even the lineage, as you have documentation Vivian, as incorrect. A woman raised somewhere else, only visiting occasionally is holding the C'anupa, HOLAY!

The sadness of this, as this discussion on Indigenous_Peoples_literature, actually speculating her authenticity of humiliating a whole Nation and the many people that have come here to receive help and know that this is bundle
is real.

She believes her father's words and misinterpretation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivian High Elk []
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: look for your name floyd.

Paula, I was just looking and reading over some of this woman's account. It scared me to see pictures of a ceremony, you/we know as well not to record,
take pictures of ceremonies, etc. Even to be discussing them. etc. This to me is like bragging. My father use to say: makis he wo'inapeke ki, tuwe
heni hena hel ici page sni, nais ihan' han s'e iwogla ke sni . Cannupa ki he lila wakan, tuwe heni ikceya wayang ye sni,cante ojula wica yala kte heca. These are not to be discussed like this, this is something really fearsome, nobody talks about this type of (cannupa) sacredness like a common
conversation, you cannot just go to see the pipe out of curiosity, your heart has to be in it, believe in it. The cannupa is a spirit and alive here in Pejito Wakpa.

Maybe, she is played by all of this, as my father use to say, beware, if you don't believe in it, don't go near it, if you play with it, it will play on you too. Maybe she needs to be educated on what we hold sacred, and these are, not bragging tools! Le miye ye. Vivian

>From: "paulah"
>To: "Floyd Hand"
>CC: "Alfred Bone Shirt" ,"Dana Dupris"
>,"Alex White Plume"
>High Elk"
>Subject: look for your name floyd.
>Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:22:59 -0700
>Floyd, This is a woman claiming to have the original pipe, given >through Fools Crow with extensive history, most inaccurate. ON the home
>page click on link, "how the pipe came", it has your name on there, >seemingly verifying the original pipe was being used with a picture of
>it, do you recall this or Fools Crow giving this information to this >woman? Arvol has not seen this yet, I will show him when he returns.
>We are at a sad state, our sacred sites, our ceremonies, our c'anupa is >being assaulted. I asked Arvol when our men were going to stand and >approach these people with much claims as Akicita (another was'ic'u >woman just arose with Charles Chips claiming great guidance with Pte
>San win, promoted and supported in Pine Ridge). Arvol has been dealing >with this and the men should be."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 12:45:58 am »
And this you have to see to believe, a claim on the Emissary of Light website that she is a teacher of a white woman calling herself "Moves Far Woman".
"My name is Sheila Simpson from Northern Ireland originally. I was born on the 31st July 1951. I am fifty two. I trained as a nurse in Belfast witnessed much violence there since 1969 when the war broke out. In 1972 I fled to New York City for respite....
Met Lakota medicine man and > started to follow the red medicine road. In 1991 met> and married second husband in Tofino. Ran a bed and> breakfast Tir n a 'og the bears came into my yard> and I ended up going into the forest. I saw the> destruction and stood for three years against the> court. Endured harrassment organized a two day walk> from Tofino to Ucluelet to talk to the logging> community.
> Invited the loggers wives to my home. (Also was
> arrested at the Nanoose Base on International
> Women's day 1988) > After three years of protest I was sentenced to six> months in jail in 1993. My name went on the> injection that arrested 932 people. Met Dukabor > Elders in jail and was invited by the elders into> their community.
> My husband was head injured in car accident. My life > has revolved around him., and my spiritual walk on> the red road
> In August I completed my forth year of Sundance in> Courtenay. There were eleven women dancers,
> including an Anisabee native who eagle danced to the> tree for four days. The dance held a very strong > feminine power.....
> In May 2000 on the 4th, during a grand planetary
> alignment in the sky first time in 26,0000 years
> earth was lined up with nine planets .I entered into > a twenty four hour vision. I saw a six pointed star> and places and people on the planet. For the last> three years I have been following this star , called> the Star of David, it is much older.mother mary spoke from the south, the robin sits in the north and the eagle and condor are sitting est west.
> It goes back to Sanskrit and to Africa to a Zulu
> Senose who says their are two parallel dimension on> earth male and female. Working with beads to make my> medallion for Sundance in 2002 I received the > following information.
> The kundaline snake of feminine principal is rising
> in response to the earth's magnetic core. The voice> of all that is feminine energy is rising. The two> triangles that make up the star are male and female> , corresponding to humanity.
> When the white buffalo calf pipe woman came to the> Sioux nation to give them the teachings to save> themselves she said she would return, there have> been ten white buffalo born all over the united> states.

>>>>A special very ordinary woman has appeared> and she is carrying two very special medicine. Chief> Franks Fools Crow gave her her medicine name that name is translates into Looking Back Woman. All the> elders know of her and she is about to speak.  She is in Duncan she was born in South Dakota. I am going to meet her. She has a message for the women of the world and she is I believe my teacher.<<<<
> Everything arrives in its own time. Knowing and
> security have to be in place first. All this ties
> into the blue star teachings for the earth.....
> The Hopi have prophecies about the blue star. A
> native New Zealander lady who came to Sundance in> Courtenay said her people are seeking the answers to> the blue star. It all ties in together but like a> jigsaw puzzle it comes together.
> I have connections with Maori and with Hadia with> Ireland with Africa and with Deneh and Hopi and with> Mother Mary
> It would take a long time to tell you the whole
> story of my path on earth. I am a visionary but I am> also very humble.
> If you have seen "Fury for the sound " I am the
> woman who speaks about the ring about the circle> growing bigger.....
> Sheila Simpson My medicine name given to me by
> Chief White Cloud is Moves Far Woman.
> Now how do we get this ball of healing
> rolling...........Are you up for it ?"

Offline raven

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 12:12:07 pm »
Whatever Suzanne Dupree's agenda is, the one thing she is guilty of is exploiting her people's traditions. To stand and pose for photographs with a pipe shows she has no belief in the sacredness of it. And to top it off she is holding a small drum. That is not a Lakota tradition.
After reading the story it is more likely that the pipe she has is her father's sundance pipe. That is a far cry from the original. There are pipes that are used for specific things.
I believe the issue will become more of not whether the pipe is the original buffalo calf maiden pipe, but that of what Ms. Dupree is doing. This is not a case of changing with the times, it is about tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation, and what she is doing goes against this whole belief.
I would not want to be in her position, not only because of the responsibilty that comes with the pipe, but that what she is doing, she is opening a door for things that will not be in her favor.
The pipe is not meant for all to see, once again this is someone that has enough knowledge to make them dangerous.
The door that Ms. Dupree has opened is not a positive door for the Lakota people, what she is attempting to do is to bring shame on her people.This is pouring salt on a wound. With all the suffering the people have gone through, the one thing they have that can not be taken away is their belief in that pipe, and what she is doing here is an example of another one out there trying to strip away their faith and beliefs.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2006, 11:20:28 pm »
Over on American Indian Alliance, LSW found out something interesting, seems Dupree's claims are straight out of a book, not any family traditions. hst-18.txt

> Text of Ziebach Co., SD History (1982) - pages 340-360
>  This file is the text of the book, "South Dakota's
> Ziebach County,  History of the Prairie", published in 1982 by the Ziebach County
>  Historical Society, Dupree, SD
>  The book is still in print and can be ordered from:
>  County Auditor
>  Box 68
>  Dupree, SD 57623
>  Cost is $10 (Add $3 for shipping and handling)
>  Permission to publish this book in electronic form
> was given by Jackie Birkeland,  member of the Historical Committee. This book is copyright, 1982 by the Ziebach  County Historical Society, Dupree, SD.
>  Scanning and OCR by Terri Tosh <chipnter@...>,
> final editing by Joy Fisher,  <jfisher@...>.
> "The First Dupree Into South Dakota"
> by Calvin Dupree

Offline igmuska

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2006, 05:52:58 am »
Another red herring and probably smells like one too...I knew Mr. Chauncey Dupris long ago and he knew me. The funny thing about this lady's website is that it is so full of subjective information without any of her Cherry Creek, SD "relative's" testimony verifying her identity.

She is a fraud!!!

They asked me to call certain people I know in Cherry Creek, SD especially one of his best friends...the funny thing is that she mentioned that Mr. Dupris is a heyoka which I must add I heard him being called this by the older fellows his age. Being heyoka does not automatically confer medicine man status per se. Oh well I will call now since I have made this post!

Had to edit this...just received notice of more information about an interview with Looking Back Woman in the following link! John Le Kay sure can pick them!!!!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2006, 04:31:34 am by igmuska »


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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2007, 06:37:43 am »

Hi Tachia,

Sorry did not get a chance to address your leangthy email from this morning, but will do so tomorrow, point by point and in detail. As far as you offending me. no you did not. Anyway will address this tomorrow.


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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2007, 05:48:28 pm »
Hi Educated Indian, Moma Porcupine. Tachia Since you have raised Vivian High Elk, and have floated a round a piece of her email to discredit Looking Back Woman repeatdly, discussed internet protocols, culture and the rest, maybe you should you see some more.

From Vivian High Elk

Dear Sister,

I am right here, and I challenge you to an open debate on the history of the Cannunpa Wakan, at any time you prefer.  Cannunpa wakan wan oyate wicakahi kin heon, Tokel econ wicasi kin hena ohinniyan ecunk'onpi kte, Taku sica kin etanhan yuheyab unyuhapi kta, Wakantanka iyoyanpa tawa kin ogna ecela ilake kta. Lecel ecunk'onpi kta ohinniyan awauncinpi kte.

Pilamayaye lo, Wakantanka.

Hakikta Win
npetu waste, lena taku iyapi ki, hena, atas takuni slol yapi sni. Tase cannupa wakan ki he tohan Pejito Wakpa etanhan iya ye ka, makes he lila wakan ki. Le winyan wan

iciyapi ki he na winyan wan Looking Back iyapi ki he atas takuni slol yapi sni, hena Lakota winyan kiyapi na taku iyapi ki hena icetu sni na lel tipi sni ca takuni he slol yapi sni,
le wakan ki nahanhci lena Peji To Wakpa ki el yanke. Iya le yawapi okihipi hantas ognas wicakapi na ce' ce, k'as, miye, iblukcan  ke le, wa'aya ki hena, i kitawa pi ki he taku wan Diarhea of the mouth, (i kajo woyanzan yu hapi) eya pi ki heca woyanza yu hapi na ce'ce.Le amayu pta pi hantas, ognas lakol ya wiyuhcan na woglaka pi na ce'ce.  Miye cante el wicabluze sni na el wacinwicawaye sni. If Jenaka and Looking Back Woman can respond to this within a couple minutes, then I would probably believe in them, but, if not, it is phonieness as far as I can see and believe. They are distractors, I believe that the "Keeper" and his "partner" put out there to obstruct the mission. Looking Back Woman claims to have the original pipe, why dont she tend to that? Obviously she doesn't believe in what she is doing as in her statement she claims to have the original one yet she is in defiance of our sacred one here. If they can just stop trying to take the focus off of the Keeper and his woman, as  they are the abusers, it would be good. Vivian HE

She obviously doesn't carry the values in her message and probably doesn't live it like a virtue, obviously she is ignorant herself, she doesn't know the life we live here as a people whom worship this way of life whom hold this Cannupa in high esteem. I guess the question is are we all fools for what we believe in here as how she is portraying us? We are a Warrior people, that is why we are still in existence no matter how we were are/were put down like people like this LBW woman. Pila ma ya pi le lawapi ki. Vivian High Elk

From Suzanne Dupree. Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:17:50 -0800

Dear Vivian,

Hunoup is the language that needs to be spoken here, I am sure you are fluent with it. My Lakota language skills are not in question here, it is whether or not Arvol Looking Horse is in possession of the Martha Bad Warrior's Cannunpa, period.
 The reason you are so on about language is, that's all you've got for an argument.
If you'd read the Riegert pdf file, you would've seen Martha Bad Warrior's words...this Cannunpa is for everyone, not just Lakota speaking persons. Martha Bad Warrior gave this interview with Riegert in 1936 before her death that winter. She wanted it known and recorded, that the heritage of the Cannunpa Wakan, is open to the good of all mankind, regardless of race, creed, color or blood quantums. He wrote it for her, so the story of Martha Bad Warrior and her people was written down with the origin and message of the Cannunpa Wakan. That is why you do not wish to acknowledge this information, it does not correspond with the "history" you've given. I want to see those winter count buffalo robes back 2000 yrs ago, with the story of WBCPW's coming to the people, if that is your proof. I did read what you wrote in Lakota, and your Father was mislead by the Looking Horse family about "what" Cannunpa Wakan they had. The Cannunpa Chief from  Manitoba does not recognize ALH, and says the Cannunpa came between  1500-1600 hundred, to the people from WBCPW.
If you respect your ancestors, you would honor her words and legacy. However, this is not the case here. I have nothing I need to prove to anyone, other than the truth of our spiritual history that was preserved for us, and was changed to save face. It does not matter who I have married, or how much Lakota blood I have, or where I live.... the message is not about me, or is about the Cannunpa Wakan....and how it is to be used properly.
And, for all who are interested, like the ones from the International Communities that were canvassed for donations, the language of our debate needs to be english. The same language that was used to canvass for the money. We first need to exchange tobacco to discuss this between us. Then, anytime, Vivian.
The more you put me down, the more you show you are not living the teachings yourself. The hypocracy is what is doing the most injustice to our people....and you are perpetuating that ignorance.

Why has there been the Cultural Preservation Officer position open at Cheyenne River? Because someone needs to know our history, and preserve it, and without people like Riegert, without a personal agenda, it isn't happening at Cheyenne River.
Your reverse racism will not work here, nor will it serve the  creater good of the people....all people.

From Vivian High Elk to a group email.  Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:05:48 -0700

Hello my relatives, I am forwarding this information, I dont know  what this woman's (LBW) worry is when she doesn't even live around here and believes we worship a false sacred object. If this were so, why in the first place would Cheyenne River place this on their flag as a significance that it exists and is here in Green Grass and what is her argument? Dont you think they would've known this if this history lie recorded as they had Indian Agents that overseen everything as this Tribe is based under the auspices of the United States 

Government as a puppet? In todays life, to get anything back that the whiteman and their forked tongue promised is to have a "language, culture and history." This woman really wants to  belittle our whole Nation here along with my late father. We are a poor people, barely in existence with our language, history (cannupa) and culture (cannupa) that are the basis for our everyday survival for funding to the Trust status imposed on us. Besides all cannupa's are sacred and so what if don't have the real or original one here, what we do have is still sacred as their has been some miracles and my late relatives had strong beliefs in it here. Why would the Late Fools Crow come here to Green Grass and pray at the sacred site before they departed out of Green Grass? Her statements are invalidating Fools Crow's belief, yet she holds his cannupa she claims he gifted her? I dont want to argue her anymore, she claims to be a KEEPER of a sacredness and still full of spite and hate.

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2007, 02:26:28 am »
Pretty bizarre double standard you're practicing Marlon. Criticism of Dupree is something you won't listen to, even though literally every other source except her word says she's wrong.

You won't even listen to criticism of her even though she *admitted*, in the red words that are highlighted, that this pipe is not the sacred pipe in question but is another.

Why do you still insist on defending her? In fact, why were you drawn to her in the first place? Did it give you some kind of cheap thrill to imagine you were dragging in the mud the man who is probably the most respected Native elder in the country? Did Dupree's imitation feminist pose draw you to her, or was it the imitation anti racist pose? Were you really just upset with the Looking Horse Proclamation and just wanted a way to lash out and try to discredit him?


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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2007, 06:35:42 am »

Hi Educated Indian,

First of all I do not see any bizarre double standard. Take a closer look at those red words. They are not Looking Back Woman's but a woman named Vivian High Elk. I don't know who she is exactly but apparently she has something to do with a meeting that was held on this subject last year with a man called Alfred Boneshirt. I think she was his spokesperson.

As far as being drawn to Looking Back Woman. She contacted me. She sent me a link to her site. I looked it up and was curious about her story. Then asked her to do an interview. I think this interview reveled what she has which is Fools Cows canunpa, not the other one.

I did not want to sddress thos on your site  but then Banaby said " I'm sure a lot of people would be more interested in reading your response to the criticism of your magazine on this forum than they are in reading further interviews with questionable individuals on your website. Please stop posting those links"

So I responded to the criticism. Then Tachia accused me of promoting frauds like Looking Back Woman. Rolling Thunder ,Mala Spotted Eagle and the rest. So I defended my reasons for doing so, which is believing she is not a fraud. I removed the others offline since I can not do they will stay of until I do more research.

So then this man called wilhili on your forum asked me about this so I answered. It took off from there.
As far as "dragging into the mud the most respected native elder in this country", I dont think I have and if so, that was not my intention of interviewing Looking Back Woman. to be honest with you i was much more intrested in John Fire Lame Deer and fools crow than the canunpa and still am. Would rather have just talked about them and not the canunpa at all. I did not even know who he was untill this LBW interview or had never even heard of this proclamation. I am be referring to the pipe keeper Arvol by the way. this was all new to me and had a hard time even understanding it.  thats why i asked a lot of questions. I just was wanted to know. some one said earlier that this should be private and between the Lakota people. I tend to agree with that.

Why would I be upset about Looking Horse Proclamation? I don't want to smoke a pipe or to do sun dances or want to be practice native medicine. I have my own spiritual beliefs.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 08:14:36 am »
Update. Dupree wants to foster Native kids.

See the comments, in which she lectures someone about "reverse racism" (where've we heard that before?  ::) )

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 01:33:50 pm »
That's interesting. Dupree doesn't live on any Lakota rez:

"Posted by Suzanne Dupree on May 30 2007 10:45AM - Who would you contact for the requirements, and is there a necessity for the foster parents to be in the Turtle Mountain region? I live in BC, but have a strong attachment to the Turtle Mountain Region, having lobbied for World Heritage Status for Turtle Mountain Region & International Peace Garden, outside Bossivain, Manitoba in 2002, to IOCOMOS CANADA in Ottawa.
I am status, and registered at Cheyenne River Agency in South Dakota. My husband and I are in our 50's, and already support two International children, through the Children's Fund, and would be interested in aquiring more information and the requirements for having a foster child.
With prayers for your sucess,
Suzanne Dupree"

A little bit of exaggeration there. She doesn't "support" the two kids. For the Children's Fund, you give something like 15 or 20 dollars a month. The CF then goes and uses the number of donations it receives to solicit support from govt and corporate sources. But her misconception is a common one the CF encourages.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2007, 06:50:20 pm »
This is the first time I have ever found myself literally shaking when I posted something ... 

From the Dupree Pt 2 thread ;
Dupree Pt 2
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 03:15:53 pm »
And for more archival information that was collected between 1964-1967, that I had no way of manipulating...go read it for yourself, and you will see with your own eyes where the deception started, and by what family.
Re: Dupree Pt 2
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2007, 12:04:02 pm »

Marlon quoting from a letter by Smithsoinian Archivest Ray DeMallie
Dear Ms. Dupree, Looking Back Woman,
Thank you for you e-mail regarding Wilbur Riegert’s photograph of Martha Bad Warrior.  I apologize for taking so long to reply.

The extract from a letter I wrote to the archivist in 1966 that is quoted in the catalog section “Local Notes,??? is an embarrassing expression of my youthful certainty:
“Although there is no doubt that this is the sacred pipe, it is denied by the modern day keeper's family. They claim it is a replica of the sacred pipe. This helps throw ethnographers off the track. The family says this was not the real pipe, no white man has ever seen the pipe (not true, of course), we cannot open the bundle for you. John and I were not the only ones to try--they said there had been a couple of people there from California, and one from England. John and I did get to go into the sacred pipe enclosure and ‘pray over the pipe’.???
I will ask that this be deleted from the catalog entry.

(continued )

Later this spring, after our semester ends, I plan to make a trip to Washington during which I will have the opportunity to visit the National Anthropological Archives.  In the meantime, I will write to Rob Leopold and send him a revised and streamlined catalog entry, with the request that he substitute it for the old one.  Before I do so, I am attaching it below for your comments, to see if you think it is appropriate.
The archived entry that I do have saved in more than one place used to read ;

Riegert, Wilbur A.
Sans Arc Dakota woman, Mrs Martha Bad Warrior with group of relatives and friends, Green Grass, South Dakota 1936
Contained in:    
Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s
Phy. Description:    
1 8x10 in photograph
Black and white copy negative
Bio / His Notes:    
Date: 1936 (3 months before Mrs Bad Warrior's death).
Photographer: Wilbur A. Riegert, Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
Excerpts from letter from R. DeMallie, 5400 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 60615, dated 9/26/66: "The picture shows Mrs Martha Bad Warrior holding the Sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe - the main content of the most sacred of the Sioux medicine bundles. The date is August, 1936, three months before Mrs Bad Warrior's death. The occasion was a severe drought. Mrs Bad Warrior unwrapped the pipe at sunrise, and sat all day in the hot sun, praying for rain. It came, eventually, of course, but it is said that her death was a result. The photograph was taken by Wilbur Riegert. I met the little boy on Mrs Bad Warrior's left. He's now a grown man, of course, and is the father of the present keeper of the sacred pipe. The picture was taken at Green Grass, S. D., on the Cheyenne River Reservation."

Extract from Indian Voices, July, 1966 page 4 (reprinted from The Sioux Journal): Custodian of Mystic Calf Pipe Dies at  Green Grass, S. D. Mrs Lucy Looking Horse, the second woman to ever be the custodian of the Mystic Calf Pipe died April 12 at her home in Green Grass, South Dakota. Over many generations, dating back several hundred years, the only other woman so honored as administrator of the pipe was Mrs Martha Bad Warrior who was Lucy's mother. According to legend, the White Buffalo Maiden (calf woman) appearing in the form of a beautiful golden haired maiden, presented the pipe as a token or medium to be used in obtaining the blessings of the Great Spirit (wakan). Appearing to the Indian people in the midst of famine and pestilence she implored them to be patient and that she would come to them, bring ease and comfort as a reward for their suffering. Seeing that their faith was evident she taught them in the use of the pipe--that it should only be used in case of dire need and that on such occasion, only, would the pipe be exposed. She then lighted the pipe, pointed to the sky with the stem and said: "I offer this to Wakan Tanka for all the good that comes from above. (Pointing to the cardinal points:) I offer this to the four winds, whence come all good things." She then changed into a
white buffalo calf. The sacred pipe has been handed down from one generation to another. The original family who administered the pipe was the Elk Head family. In recent years, Mrs Bad Warrior, who died in 1936,passed it on to her half brother Ernest Two Runs, also of Green Grass. The latter gave possession of the pipe to Ehli Bad Warrior in 1942. Upon Ehli's death in 1959, it passed to Mrs Lucy Looking Horse. It is not known who Mrs Looking Horse designated as heir to the pipe.
Copy (9/66) from original photograph loaned to SOA-A by Mrs Belva Jack, Mission, South Dakota (through R. DeMallie, 5400
Greenwood Avenue, Chicago 60615).
Cite as:    
Negative 55936, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives
Local Notes:    
Written on back of print: "Property of Wilbur A. Riegert, Wounded Knee, S. Dakota. "Died October 25 - 1936 [Must refer to Mrs Bad Warrior]. "Given to Lucy Looking Horse on 10-29-64 by W. A. Riegert, Everett C. Jordan, Mrs A. M. Clark." [Lucy Looking Horse died in April, 1966. At the giveaway after her death, this picture was given to Mrs Belva Jack.] "This picture, as you see, belonged to Mrs Looking Horse (Lucy H.), the daughter of Martha, and the keeper of the sacred pipe. She died last May. At the giveaway after her death this picture was given to Mrs Belva Jack, of Mission, S. D., a distant relative [who lent it to Ray DeMallie]. ...Although there is no doubt that this is the sacred pipe, it is denied by the modern day keeper's family. They claim it is a replica of the sacred pipe. This helps throw ethnographers off the track. The family says this was not the real pipe, no white man has ever seen the pipe (not true, of course), we cannot open the bundle for you. John and I were not the only ones to try--they said there had been a couple of people there from California, and one from England. John and I did get to go into the sacred pipe enclosure and "pray over the pipe." The picture in the Library of Congress collection shows it wrapped in a buffalo robe; today it is wrapped up in an old, man's gray overcoat."
Extract from Indian Voices (continued). Funeral services for Mrs Looking Horse were held April 16 at the Congregational church at Green Grass. The Rev. Moses Flying By conducted the services. She is survived by her husband, Thomas and one son, Stanley. Preceding her in death were a son and one daughter. Mrs Looking Horse was born Dec. 20, 1891.Culture:    
Dakota Sans Arc
Subject - Geographical:    
South Dakota
Form / Genre:    
Repository Loc:    
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland
Local Number:    
OPPS NEG 55936
Item information

The recently edited entry now reads  ;!92671!0
Riegert, Wilbur A.
Sans Arc Dakota woman, Mrs Martha Bad Warrior with group of relatives and friends, Green Grass, South Dakota 1936
Contained in:    
Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s
Phy. Description:    
1 8x10 in photograph
Black and white copy negative
Bio / His Notes:    
Date: August 1936.
The photograph was taken by Wilbur A. Riegert at Green Grass, South Dakota, on Cheyenne River Reservation. Mrs. Bad Warrior was the keeper of the sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle, the only tribal bundle of the Lakotas. In order to end the long drought that afflicted the plains, she sat all day in the hot sun, holding a pipe on her lap, praying for rain. Mrs. Bad Warrior died October 25, 1936. [Source: Raymond J. DeMallie, Jr., 20 June 2007]
Copy (Sept. 1966) from original photograph loaned to the Smithsonian Office of Anthropology Archives by Mrs. Belva Jack, Mission, South Dakota (through R. DeMallie, 5400 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615).
Cite as:    
Negative 55936, Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives
Sidney J. Thomas, "A Sioux Medicine Bundle," American Anthropologist, n.s. vol. 43, pp. 605-609 (1941); John L. Smith, "A Short History of Sacred Calf Pipe of the Teton Dakota," South Dakota University Museum News 28, pp. 1-37 (1967); Wilbur A. Riegert, The Search for the Pipe of the Sioux: As Viewed from Wounded Knee (1975).
Local Notes:    
Written on back of print: "Property of Wilbur A. Riegert, Wounded Knee, S. Dakota. "[Martha Bad Warrior] Died October 25 - 1936. Given to Lucy Looking Horse on 10-29-64 by W. A. Riegert, Everett C. Jordan, Mrs A. M. Clark." [Lucy Looking Horse, daughter of Martha Bad Warrior, died in April, 1966. At the giveaway after her death, this picture was given to Mrs Belva Jack.]
Dakota Sans Arc
Subject - Geographical:    
South Dakota
Form / Genre:    
Repository Loc:    
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland
Local Number:    
OPPS NEG 55936

I would like to post  one or two screen shots of the original Smithsonian record , which I saved in April , but I've never done this before and I don't know how - maybe someone could send me a PM explaining how to do this .....
edited to update a cached link that went dead

I see the link to the comments in the Rapid City Journal posted below is also gone dead .
The comment can still be accessed by doing a Google search on the terms "LBW" ,"Arvol",
"Rapid City Journal" but it is only in the cached pages . I notice cached URLs seem to keep
changing so I won't try and update this  . I did save the web page if anyone needs to see it .
« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 02:17:02 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2007, 11:51:45 pm »
Below is a link to a file I saved of a cached Google webpage on April 19 2007  . It is the webpage from the Smithsonian Archives , which I copied and pasted above , before it was recently changed .

Thanks for helping make that availabe for people to be able to see Pat and Barnaby .   :) 

I guess it would have been better posted in this thread , but people can find it through the link if they want to confirm the information posted above . This previous version of the webpage is now no longer up and it is not in the web archive so i wanted to make sure it doesn't disappear and people can see for themselves who is changing history .

This 1966 record that is now changed , shows that the WBCP was passed to the Looking Horse family .

This record that is now changed , was in existence before AIM burned anything or allegedly ( according to LBW ) changed or destroyed any history  .

This record that is now changed , shows that 40 years ago Arvols family did not believe in displaying the WBCP publicly , and it is not just Arvol making excuses , when he declines to do this this .
edited to add

Suzanne Dupree AKA Looking Back Woman in a letter to the Rapid City Journal Jan 9, 2007 10:21 AM:

I have proof our spiritual history was changed, that Arvol Looking Horse never had the Pipe handed down to him from his grand-mother Lucy Looking Horse, because Lucy Looking Horse was never passed the Pipe from her Mother, Martha Bad Warrior,  the third and last blood-line "Keeper" of the Sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe. This information was thought lost during the seige at Wounded Knee, when AIM looted and burned the post office and museum in 1973.
More information is in the thread Dupree part 2 .
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 04:01:31 am by Moma_porcupine »