Author Topic: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec  (Read 63079 times)

Offline Marlou

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I've got a friend who somehow got about to get involved in a "8000 Sacred drums ceremony" suposedly of the Otomi nation of Mexico. We started to search a little on the web and found : and its spanish version, both of which seem to me to be new age stuff; for instance they talk about "Atlantean Healing Certification Progam" that sounds highly like a fraud. Their "elder" is named Thaayrohyadi.
Anybody has heard about them ? After visiting this website, do you think too they are a fraud ?

Offline PLH

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 06:08:48 am »
I have not heard of them till now.  Everything here sums up well exactly what they are.  Sure don't remember Dad saying anything about Sacred Geometry.
This mystical experience will connect you with the elements of power of the Atlantean tradition with meditations, ceremonies, medicine wheels and cosmic healing. The teachings are experiential to intensify your spiritual growth. You are invited to be in touch with the healing power of sound and ancestral symbols that can open doors to explore your sacred place on this earth.

To provide Indigenous education, as well as opportunities for the development of Indigenous peoples.
To promote and spread all manifestations of science, education, languages, arts, spirituality and the ancestral wisdom of First Nations.
To offer workshops, mentoring and training programs in the following disciplines:
Indigenous Spirituality - Cosmo-Vision and Ceremonies as a Sacred Way
Native Arts - Ancestral Music, Sacred Songs, Painting, Sculpture, Beadwork, Weaving, Basketry, etc.
Sacred Sciences - Astronomy, Calendars, Numerology, Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Engineering (Architecture)
Indigenous Languages - Emphasizing Native Tongues
Healing Arts - Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Energy Healing, Cosmic Sound, Atlantean Healing Techniques, Somatic Archaeology, etc.
Indigenous Rights - Self-Determination, Sovereignty and Treaties for Peace and Development of our Nations
Mother Earth Wisdom - Philosophical and Practical Knowledge for Cultivating Harmony with Nature
One of the links leads to

Another new age link from the site

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 06:17:22 pm »
That Atlantean healing is phonier than a three dollar bill.

"An Initiation into the Healing Traditions of the Sacred Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan Lineage
The Otomi are the people known in the past as the Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan civilization. They are the wisdom keepers of their ancestors - the Atlanteans and Lemurians....This mystical experience will connect you with the elements of power of the Atlantean tradition with meditations, ceremonies, medicine wheels and cosmic healing."

The Otomi, Olmecs, Toltecs, and the Teotihuacan culture are four different peoples. The Olmecs lived near Veracruz and further east, while the other three were towards central Mexico. And Atlantis and Lemuria are European legends. Atlantis is a story by Plato, come on.

Medicine wheels aren't part of NDN traditions in Mexico as far as I know. Neither are chakras, that's EAST Indian. This supposed indigenous university for NDNs of Central Mexico is located in:

"Our classroom is located in the Buffalo Building at 306 S. Lookout Mountain Road, Suite D, Golden, Colorado. It is about an hour west of the
Denver International Airport."

And they hold retreats in other places with lots of Mexico's NDNs like...Idaho and Argentina. All the sites I found that mention DT and his university are Nuage, the Center of Light, Journey to the Heart, and Bennie LeBeau's bunch Teton Rainbows. Most of them are big on "sound healing."

Offline Marlou

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 12:17:03 am »
Thanks for your advise,
Happy to see that you share the odd feeling we got while checking this "atlantean" website... Makes me sad though that some south american Natives here in Canada are planning a "8000 drums sacred ceremony", I'll make sure they see what's in this website, as they most certainly think they are in contact with honest people... Thanks again and I'll keep you informed about wether or not this event takes place...


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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 04:49:18 pm »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:03:27 am by nighthawk »


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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 12:21:18 am »
Darlene Courchene and Gilles Novaks are both First Nations, Canada.

Offline bls926

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2008, 01:18:43 am »
This thread caught my interest, maybe cause it reminded me of Rachel Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum. That whole "Heartbeat of Mother Earth", a drumming vigil to heal and bring the world back into alignment sounded a lot like Holzwarth and the Whirling Rainbow Foundation. I did a little research and found some interesting sites that were talking about the 8,000 Drums Ceremony last spring.

Sure enough, Holzwarth was promoting it on her website:

Whirling Rainbow Foundation and Grandmother Drum

March 20/21st Spring Equinox Sounding of 8,000 Drums: In 2004, the Otomi Elders of Mexico announced their ancient prophecy, “When the Sound of 8,000 Drums would be heard, the Earth would begin Her Renewal.??? They sent a call out to the world community to join them in this worldwide drumming vigil. This event is growing each year and will be held until 2012. To join the event in Mexico or become a host site see www. indigeousuniversity.oirg/sacred_drums/htm

The International Indigenous University seems a little New Age to me:

The International Indigenous University

Institution of Science and Ancestral Wisdom
              of the Indigenous Nations
          for the Development of Humanity

The International Indigenous University presents

The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums
March 21, 2008
Otomi Ceremonial Center
Temoaya, Mexico

According to a Sacred Prophecy revealed at the Otomi Ceremonial Center by the Otomi Elder Sages as a Vision of our Venerable Ancestors, the day when the sounds of 8,000 Sacred Drums join together will be the beginning of the healing of Mother Earth, of all the species and the human family in order to be able to live together on the road to Sacred Peace.

It is time to unify ourselves and rediscover all the seeds of the Four Directions in order to reactivate cosmic energy, heal historical wounds and heal Mother Earth by respecting life, liberty and the dignity of our Peoples. The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico and there will be drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox continuing every year until 2012.

Sacred Principles:

* Sealing and healing the wounded vertices of Mother Earth is urgent.
* Identifying and activating the Indigenous energy centers at sacred places is our duty.
* Planting and strengthening consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth is everyone's work.
* The Indigenous ancestral recommendation to create and practice the Grand Culture of Peace and Life is fundamental.
* Recognition of the use of the energy and healing properties of our sacred instruments is a principle goal of our Indigenous Mission.


Dear Sacred Drummers,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

All the First Nations, Indigenous Peoples and Humanity

We invite you to join your sacred drumbeat into the Grand Ceremony of the 8,000 Sacred Drums on March 21st, 2008 (10 am to 12 noon CST from Mexico City) that will take place in the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan Nation and in many locations around the world to aid in the healing of Mother Earth and our Peoples.

We also invite you to come to Mexico for this extraordinary experience and to stay for the Congress of Cosmic Sound and the Ancestral Retreat held during this time. Many people from around the world will be joining us. You can also participate in a drumming circle from your home, community or traditional lands to add to the heartbeat of this healing ceremony. Please stay in communication with us and inform us of how many drums come together, so that we can get a count of the drums.

We would like to hear from you.

* How many drums will join in your circle in your community?
* Where are you located?
* Do you have a contact person?

Thank you for your assistance. We are gathering this information to document our efforts and the fulfillment of the prophecy given by the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan ancestors to the Otomi Elders of Central Mexico. Please send us any information, pictures and words about your experience.

We are all related!
Many Blessings and Jamadi!
For more details, travel information and to register, contact:
Mexico - 011-52-722-773-2240 or and

Very Important News from the Elders Council of the Otomi Nation
* Our drum ceremony will take place between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, Mexico City time (CST); you may synchronize with us by drumming at that time.
* There has been some confusion about when to begin drumming from other locations. Here at the Otomi ceremonial site in Temoaya, Mexico, the Ceremony of 8,000 Drums will be from dawn to dusk on the 21st, beginning with a morning ceremony at dawn. Our original intent was to have as many people as possible drumming and praying in at the exact same time. We will be drumming from 10 am to 12 noon, Mexico City time (CST). We hope those of you in nearby time zones will be able to synchronize your ceremony with ours. However, we realize that this may not be possible for everyone, in that case please offer your drumming, songs and prayers at any time; people from all over the world will be participating at different times, you will be in synch with others somewhere!

A definite New Age site:

Health Body Spirit

Esse Enterprises

Yes, it's almost Equinox, again. This year I am passing along a world-wide drumming event to take place on 21 March 2008, the full moon, though it is the day after Equinox. It is honestly amazing how synchronous doing this is. I will be drumming on the Equinox, which “officially??? is March 20th at 1:48EDT (00:48 CST,) meaning, we start on the 19th. For those of you who can,

Email and newsletters will be functional again, soon. 

Drumming information: Gilles Novaks, who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal, asked to get as many Tribal people to participate in a world-wide ceremony called the "8,000 Drums."  He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from Canada and asked to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere.  It will take place March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon MEXICO time.  Don't know the time-tables, yet.  All you need to do is play a drum alone or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate.  The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI Prophecy.  The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants.  The drums will be played so The Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth.  The other races of people are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers.

Shirley MacLaine's froum:

Encounter Board -

8000 Drums Healing Ceremony

thread started by ojorose 3/21/08

Offline bls926

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2008, 01:16:12 am »

The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums    Tue, March 18, 2008 - 9:04 PM
(passed on to me from someone in California..)

The International Indigenous University Presents:

The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums

8,000 DRUMS on March 21 at noon / central time

Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He wants to get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called the '8,000 Drums'. He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere.

It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon central time. (10 am Pacific DT/ 1:00 pm Eastern DT)

All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth. ...

[P]eople are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers.

Thank you.


The International Indigenous University presents

The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums

March 21, 2006

Otomi Ceremonial Center

Temoaya, Mexico

According to a Sacred Prophecy revealed at the Otomi Ceremonial Center by the Otomi Elder Sages as a Vision of our Venerable Ancestors, the day when the sounds of 8,000 Sacred Drums join together will be the beginning of the healing of Mother Earth, of all the species and the human family in order to be able to live together on the road to Sacred Peace. It is time to unify ourselves and rediscover all the seeds of the Four Directions in order to reactivate cosmic energy, heal historical wounds and heal Mother Earth by respecting life, liberty and the dignity of our Peoples. The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico and there will be drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox continuing every year until 2012.

Sacred Principles:

~>Sealing and healing the wounded vertices of Mother Earth is urgent.

~>Identifying and activating the Indigenous energy centers at sacred places is our duty.

~>Planting and strengthening consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth is everyone's work.

~>The Indigenous ancestral recommendation to create and practice the Grand Culture of Peace and Life is fundamental.

~>Recognition of the use of the energy and healing properties of our sacred instruments is a principle goal of our Indigenous Mission.



~>500 year-old Otomi Prophecy...When 8000 sacred drums play together, an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence.

~>Inca... Call it the 'Age of Meeting Ourselves Again'.

~>Hopi... Predict a 25 year period of purification followed by End of Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.

~>Mayan... Call it the 'end days' or the end of time as we know it

~>Maori... Say that as the veils dissolve there will be a merging of the physical & spiritual worlds.

~>Zulu... Believe that the whole world will be turned upside down.

~>Hindu... Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones.

~>Aztec... Call this the Time of the Sixth Sun. A time of transformation. Creation of new race.

~>Pueblo... Acknowledge it'll be the emergence into the Fifth World

~>Cherokee... Their ancient calendar ends exactly at 2012 as does the Mayan calendar.

~>Tibetan... Kalachakra teachings are prophesies left by Buddha predicting Coming of the Golden Age.

~>Egypt... According to the Great Pyramid (stone calendar), present time cycle ends in year 2012 AD

~>Dogon... Say that the spaceship of the visitors, the Nommo, will return in the form of a blue star.



'Don't ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and then go do that.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive.'

-- Harold Thurman Whitman

see also:

Tue, March 18, 2008 - 9:04 PM - permalink - 0 Comments

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#1 of 3     Posted Mar-7 4:53 AM     
This morning I received this notification, which I felt would interest some of you:

8,000 DRUMS on March 21 at Noon

This special event will take place 12 noon EST.
It is also a full moon that day and spring equinox is March 20, 2008
 (eg. if you are on the west coast, your time will be 10am
this will be your time to be aligned with us here in EST etc. etc.)
Darlene Courchene was contacted by my friend Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal. He is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He asked me to get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called the "8,000 Drums". He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from up there in Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere. It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon. All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants.
The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth.

(Note:  Okay, I will look up the Otomi Prophecy).


Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2008, 04:04:34 am »
The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth.

That attitude is why the whole New Age philosophy seems so dishonest .  The New Age so often seems to do nothing except give a way to keep taking taking taking without feeling responsible or changing anything - all people have to do is drum and pretend some magical indigenous ceremony will fix it all for them . 

And though the 8000 drum event  seems silly and not really based on any true indigenous traditions or prophesies,  the aforementioned Atlantean Healing Certification Program this same group puts on is the real New Age eye popper... 

« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 05:10:53 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline bls926

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2008, 10:18:49 pm »
On YouTube

8,000 Drums March 21 '08 12:00 pm Mountain Time 2:00 pm EST

From: MadRazorRay
Added: March 10, 2008 
Further UPDATE March 21 2008 10am - 12:00 noon Mountain Time 2:00 pm Eastern Standard time
Grand Ceremony of the 8,000 Sacred Drums

Grand Ceremony of the 8,000 Sacred drums on March 21st, 2008 (10 am to noon local time from Mexico City) will take place in the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan Nation and in many locations around the world to aid in the healing of Mother Earth and our Peoples.

Some associates in this project are the women drumming circle of Wendake Huron nation and Gilles Moashk Kovacs (not...Gilles Novaksa ...correction from the earlier email to me)

***From an email message***


Passing along the word to bring healing for our Mother Earth
This special event will take place 12 noon EST.
It is also a full moon that day and spring equinox (which is March 20, 2008).

8,000 DRUMS on March 21st at Noon
Darlene Courchene was contacted by Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal .
He is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He has asked that we get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called the "8,000 Drums"as possible.
He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from up there in Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere.
It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon.
All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate.
The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants.
The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth. People are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers.
Thank you.
Category:  News & Politics

All these people had been posting about this 8000 Drum Ceremony and saying Darlene Courchene and Gilles Novaks were involved in getting the word out. Some even called Gilles Novaks their friend. The real person behind this in North America was Gilles Moashk Kovacs.
Gilles Moashk Kovacs

Offline bls926

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2008, 03:37:41 pm »
Yahoo! 360° - little shetland pony's Blog  (originally posted on NRA Yahoo Group)

8000 Drums

8000 Drums
Let's all drum together!

The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY (500 year-old Otomi Prophecy...When 8000 sacred drums play together, an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence)

Event Info Name: 8000 Drums
Type: Other - Ceremony
Time and Place Date: Friday, March 21, 2008
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: wherever you are


Passing along the word to bring healing for our Mother Earth

This special event will take place 12 noon EST. It is also a full
moon that day and spring equinox is March 20, 2008 (eg. if you are on
the west coast, your time will be 10am this will be your time to be
aligned with us here in EST etc. etc.)

8,000 DRUMS on March 21 at noon

Darlene Courchene was contacted by my friend Gilles Novaks who is a
Montagnais Indian from Montreal. He is a Medicine Man and a Healer.
He asked me to get as many Tribal people to participate in a
worldwide ceremony called the '8,000 Drums'. He was contacted by two
Huron Clan Grandmothers from up there in Canada and they asked him to
help spread the word to all Indians everywhere.
It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon .
All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or
have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI
PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. The
drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our
wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother
Earth. People are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our
prayers. Thank you.

With respect,

Tsissy (NAU)
Saturday March 15, 2008 - 05:55pm (EDT) Permanent Link | 0 Comments

Offline Sparks

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2017, 02:55:56 am »
He is now in Norway:

Toltec Healing sessions: Private healing sessions with Dabadi Thaayrohyadi. Balance the physycal, emotional, mental and spiritual through the protocols.

Who is this guy? — This is all I could find in this forum (my emphasis):

May 18-28, 2007

Workshop, Konferenz, Konzert mit Dabadi Thaayrohyadi [Note: We've discussed him before I think.]

Spiritual Leader and Wisdomkeeper of the Otomi, Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan
tradicion of central Mexico;

Founder of the International Indigenous University
« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 04:16:05 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2017, 04:19:43 pm »
 International Indigenous University

8000 Drums

Both registered and run by Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz, in Temoaya Mexico.

Thaayrohyadi Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz doing something with Phil Lane Jr./ Four Worlds International Institute

Serafín Thaayrohyadi Bermúdez, Ñähñu (Otomí) writer, was born in April 1968 in Temoaya, in the state of Mexico.
from a poetry anthology WORDS OF THE TRUE PEOPLE V2

Some writings:

I'm soo happy and blessed to announce that TOLTEC SHAMAN THAAYROHYADI and his daughter LITTLE GRAND MOTHER will come to ALMERE!!! ??

Däbädi Thaayrohyadi is a Spiritual Leader and the Keeper of the 8000 Sacred Drums Prophesy. Founder of the International Indigenous University. He is a Toltec elder and a traditional healer who travels internationally offering teachings and ceremonies in the ways of his ancestors.


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Offline Sparks

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2017, 09:28:19 pm »
Piff, thanks a lot for all your links! Not least this one; it didn't come up when I first searched the forum:

Here is past thread

Most of the links there are dead by now; after all the thread is more than nine years old. But still there is valuable information that answers my original question.

Today I found that he is also mentioned in this post:

… Otomi-Toltec elder Thaayrohyadi offers a traditional invocation.
Key participants include … Otomi-Toltec elder Däbädi Thaayrohyadi …