Gee Ganeida, did you think no one can read the note in that post, saying the exact same thing?
Since you seem to be having trouble seeing, take a look at the bottom of that post, where it clearly says "edited by..."
Your post was edited because you've been warned before that you should take your personality conflicts with Barnaby to private emails. What you did was trolling and attempting to bait him, not to mention childish. Again, take up your problems with him, don't waste this forum's time.
To both Ken and Ganeida, if you are going to whine "racist!" continually whenever you have no proof or arguments to defend Nuage nonsense, all you do is invite laughter. NDNs have seen that same empty headed non-argument before. We tend not to waste our time on it, since the person is usually beyond hope of reaching with reason. So since no one willwaste time answering you, you get a false sense of having scored points, as though this were some football game or high school debate.
Add to that your paranoia, persecution complex based on vivid imaginations, and even conspiracy theories, and your presense here is in danger of becoming obnoxious. Once again, we are to warn the public about frauds, not to hold your hands because you feel persecuted by those awful dark skinnned people. If you want empty comforting words you should go elsewhere.