Author Topic: Lou Brunato AKA Lou Snowbear Dreaming AKA Lou Worldweaver  (Read 26179 times)

Offline Le_Weaponnier

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Lou Brunato AKA Lou Snowbear Dreaming AKA Lou Worldweaver
« on: April 12, 2006, 01:15:56 pm »
Here's another one from Canada.

A white Canadian sacred medicine pipe maker. His website is where he offers to sell you a pipe, or teach you how to make your own.

"Lou Brunato is a master artisan and medicine pipe maker, carving stone and wood, along with painting and leather crafts. ? He has been a teacher of shamanism and spirituality since 1996. He teaches and facilitates workshops in Toronto and Montreal, focused on self growth and development. He lives near Toronto with his wife an Children."

if you would like to learn more about the ways of the medicine pipe and how using this ceremonial tool can help change your life and bring you back into balance and wholeness, please contact
lou brunato ?  ?"

"are you interested in learning how to carve your own medicine pipe?
attend a one day pipe making session and you will learn the full process of carving and creating your own sacred medicine pipe.
the session takes place in the artist's workshop, in small groups of 7-8 people, with hands on ? instruction and guidance. ? 
it includes all materials and the use of all carving tools.
for more information and to inquire about upcoming dates, please contact
lou brunato"

I was going to put this in the Research section, but since he is already listed as being a member of the Deer Tribe Metis, and is listed at:
 Respect = go-hi-yu-hi :: Frauds section
"Pickering, Ontario, Lou Brunato, Black Lightning Lodge"

And on this site:
as a leader.

So it seemed more appropriate to just put him in here.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 11:30:53 am by educatedindian »

Offline chiefytiger

  • Posts: 71
Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 12:34:24 pm »
Hmmm the site doesnt have any pics of him or anyone ,am i missing somthing .

Offline MatoSiWin

  • Posts: 57
Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2008, 02:57:56 pm »
Here are two pics that I found using Google images.

link 1

link 2
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 01:39:59 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Unreal

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Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 11:34:55 pm »
 Yes. I know of him. He's Italian or italian descent.
 He does sweats on his own property and answers to Harley Reagan.

Offline Kevin

  • Posts: 182
Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2008, 02:58:54 pm »
You have to admit he does look like a fake whiteman shaman

Offline asianindian

  • Posts: 3
Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2016, 06:39:21 am »
Good day. I have found Lou Brunato Aka Lou Snowbear Dreaming in South Africa. He is now going by the name Lou Worldweaver and together with his new wife, Laurel Weaving Willow Aka Laurel Anne Hall, they have a 'healing' center in Drummond close to Durban. Called Sacred Journeys
Laurel was a pre-school teacher from 1994 to 2009  when she met Lou.By March 2010 she was leading woman's healing circles, sweat lodges and calling herself a medicine woman as well as propagating all the nonsense teachings of The Deertribe. I just wish to warn everyone of these two people and their new center, and of the dangers of taking part in any of their ceremony.

Offline asianindian

  • Posts: 3
Re: Canadian sacred Pipe Maker???
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2016, 06:43:20 am »
They also have a couple of videos on YouTube, search Laurel Weaving Willow and you will find them. I did comment on them till the comments were disabled.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Lou Brunato AKA Lou Snowbear Dreaming AKA Lou Worldweaver …
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2020, 01:23:24 am »
On the same day as asianindian wrote the two preceding posts (s)he also wrote this as an Introduction:

hi I am an Asian Indian from South Africa. I regrettably took part in a sweat lodge run by Lou Brunato a.k.a Lou Snowbear Dreaming a.k.a Lou Worldweaver and Laurel Weaving Willow a.k.a Laurel Anne Hall. At their center called Sacred Journeys. They keep their affiliation with the Deertribe a secret but apparently do all that a center affiliated with the Deertribe would do. Typical pay to pray scheme. Lots of expensive courses that lead to even more expensive courses.
During my short time with them I did experience a bringing up of an old forgotten trauma, and had to deal with it on my own, these two people did not have the necessary skills to help.
I needed therapy not feel good words.
I then delved deeper into who they were and discovered the connection to the Deertribe. I immediately stopped all contact with them and have never been back to Sacred Journeys.

The names and aliases provided on May 23, 2016 is fertile ground for further research about present activities.