"As you choose to distinguish class"
So much cluelessness, so little time.
I don't choose to, I recognize that there are classes. Only the most clueless sheltered privileged well to do person would claim there are no classes.
"why should one class of people be considered less entitled to pursue spirituality of their own choosing in their own way?"
There's that White Privilege and Upper Class Privilege of yours asserting itself.
Sorry Ken, there's no 1st Amendment "right" to fraud.
"you view the term "Yuppie" as based on monetary issues"
"I" don't. Anyone using the term yuppie is pretty much using a class term.
"Quote from educatedindian on Today at 7:02pm:
And like you point out, these are all whites in that photo. There's more than a little bit of White Privilege in the claim that "we can do whatever we want, we have the right."
A blatant racist remark." ?
Was that clueless harangue supposed to make me roll over and submit? "Oh no, he called me racist! The Great White Master is telling them Dumb NDNs what is Right and True!"
All you show is that you don't understand what racism is because you've never experienced it.
"Are you attempting to say "whites," as you put it,"
Again, ?
Do you think I'm the only one on the planet who uses the word white?
I can almost hear you singing "We Are The World."
"do not have a right to pursue spirituality of their own choosing?"
There's that White Privilege again. ?
Not only are these worthwhile questions, they have been discussed many times before, including with you.
You were warned to quit sidetracking one thread after another. Your spamming, trolling, and cluelessly whining "Bigot!" anytime a Native defends Native beliefs from desecration, exploitation, and abuse are not only pointless, they show you exhorting and extolling White Privilege.
You haven't convinced anyone of anything but your own cluelessness and intent to disrupt this group and waste our time, when we could be doing things far more useful. As entertaining as you are, untintentionally, I think we're all pretty tired of trying to get through to someone so terminally dense, and utterly convinced the Great White Master knows more than them Dumb NDNs about their own cultures. Goodbye.