I'm sure the Looking Horses are aware that there are
hundreds of 'lightworkers' who all believe they can 'channel' White Buffalo Calf Woman. Contacting all of them would be a full-time job in itself. I expect the conversation would go something like this:
'Violet Vibrational Ministries, can I assist you karmically?'
'Good morning, my name is Arvol Looking Horse. I'm a Lakota Indian. I'm calling because according to your website, you are in touch with someone who is very important to us: White Buffalo Calf Woman.'
'Yes, that's right. Actually I have a special offer on today. I can channel her for you right now over the phone for only two hundred dollars! Normally it's five hundred.'
'That won't be necessary, thank you. I'm calling because many Indian people find that kind of thing offensive and bizarre. Like
the author James Welch once said, it's as preposterous as a nice Choctaw lady from Anadarko announcing that she is the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary.'
'Who did you say you are? Arvol who? Who do you think you are? White Buffalo Calf Woman told me to look out for someone like you and to tell you that your energy-body is not vibrating on the correct frequency! You're out of alignment with the cosmic energy shift! Actually all of you Indians are, that's why you're dying out! That's why White Buffalo Calf Woman chose me!'
- click - Can you imagine how quickly that would become tiresome?