Ted Burton" <egburton@cableone.net>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 15:09:28 -0700
Subject: Re: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] new agers adopting ndn children/repurcussions
At 2:51 PM -0500 on 9/19/04, dafydd7916 spoke about Re: [newagefraudsplastichshamans] new agers adopting ndn ch thusly:
>He has? Wonder how he got past the Indian Child Welfare Act, which >limits the adoption of Indian children out side of a tribe without
>the tribe's permission. Or, is this another empty claim?
It is a law, which like other laws does not enforce itself. It takes human action to enforce it. Some authorities have the attitude that they would ask, "Is there a plaintiff?" That is, is there anyone who can sue to enforce the law. Other authorities would take the attitude that the law is the law and live by it.
When I was a city attorney I made sure our local Magistrate was familiar with that law and she took action in each case to inquire of the people in court if it was applicable, thus putting counsel on the
hook to 'fess up or possibly someday really get nailed by the system.
She did encounter a few, "Well, yeah, maybe"'s .... When I was working for a tribal government I saw some of those inquiries come through from the state systems.
In Idaho I have seen it at work, but of course do not know in any way, shape or form how it works in counties where I am not.