Author Topic: United Cherokee Nation  (Read 120767 times)

Offline V Hawkins

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2008, 02:43:07 am »
That "Stonebear" quote was very typical of these fake Cherokee tribes. They all quote the same things. That statement about the importance of having "one drop of Cherokee blood" is extremely popular amogst them. They'll say "One drop of Cherokee blood is precious." My only comeback is usually is that "all the drops of my blood are of equal value." But I always wanted something wittier to say back to them -- I never seemed to come up with anything, tho.

These people always come up with strange names as well. Male "leaders" seem to always want to call themselves "Bear something" or "Wolf something".

As for the Quote from Principle Chief Chad Smith about undocumented Cherokee -- that was in an article written about my good friend, Michael Johnson, the man that really got me down the road of exposing fake tribes. Mike had KNOWN Cherokee blood and his ancestors were not on Dawes. In the article I believe Mike said he was happy not being federally recognized, that he'd tried the fake tribes, and that he'd befriended REAL who knnew about his families undocumented status, and because he had gone about it "the right way" -- not making bold antagonistic statements about enrolled Cherokee, et cetera. Mike used to talk about a way, without making up fake tribes and other nonsense, to allow underdocumented Cherokee to learn of the culture of that Cherokee ancestor that many claim.

We tried to access those fake tribes and they did everything in their power to tear us apart. Eventually we just gave up and quit. Mike passed away last year, but that Chad Smith quote was with respect to Mike and his family as Mike and his family got to know Chad and his family at Cherokee cultural events, and Mike told me about it. I miss Mike.

But these fake tribes and fake tribal groups DO NOT WANT underdocumented people of "possible" Cherokee descent to make contact with "REAL CHEROKEES" as we tried and WERE NOT ALLOWED by these fake chiefs of these groups who are power hungry delusional leaders of their own little cultural cult, NOT a cult of religion, but a cult based on a culture that they make up on the spot, one that never really ever existed except in the minds of all these Chief Stone Bear's -- here are dozens of people like him. They prey on people with a story of a "Cherokee great great grandma", use them, and ceate a great fake revised history, culture,  and values. They all just need to be stopped.


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2008, 08:28:15 am »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:07:07 am by nighthawk »


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2008, 02:55:52 pm »
The map is new. Here is the old list.    They have changed hands also. Use to be a Chief Red Hawk, but I think he retired. This group and it's clans actually advertize for members in local newspapers. But I haven't seen that in a while.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2008, 03:03:38 pm »
This group and it's clans actually advertize for members in local newspapers. But I haven't seen that in a while.

Either this group or one like it are also advertising on the Internet. An obnoxious pop-up ad recently suggested ads I might like to put on my blog to make money. One of them was "The Cherokee Nation." Yeah, huh? I didn't click through. Surreal.

Offline BlackWolf

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The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2009, 03:33:49 am »
The United Cherokee Indian Nation is not a legitimate Cherokee Tribe.  Nor is a single one of their elders and leaders shown on their website recognized by any legitimate Cherokee Tribe, Cherokee Community, or individual Cherokee people.  This group is composed of FRAUDS.  There is only ONE Cherokee Nation and that is based in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.  The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians also based in Tahlequah, Ok and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians based in Cherokee, North Carolina are the ONLY other 2  legitimate Cherokee tribes.   


The United Cherokee Indian Nation seems to have many of the same members of the United Cherokee Nation (Another fraudulent Group).  They do have a couple of legitimate Native American performers scheduled for their upcoming powwow.  However, the United Cherokee Indian Nation is a FAKE TRIBE!  These people have no right to represent themselves as Cherokees, nor to use the words “Cherokee Nation.??? to represent themselves.  Some of their leaders also do teachings.  These people have stolen the Cherokee name and are misrepresenting the culture of legitimate Cherokee people.  After looking over their website, I’ve concluded that they really seem to be completely clueless about Cherokee culture and heritage.

They are having a powwow in zephyr hills, Florida in March, 2009.

They also have an ambassador to Europe named Chief Tony "Night Eagle" Angastiniotis.  I can only begin to imagine what kind of misrepresentation has occurred in Cyprus and Europe regarding Cherokee people, culture, and heritage. 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2009, 03:55:53 am »
Funny how they use images straight off of Franklin Mint plates.

Their "chief" calling himself Red Hawk has already been written about in here before I think. Used to claim to be Hawaiian too. His own family says he's not NDN. Mostly a motivational speaker if I recall right. Why would he be "retired" if this group hasn't been around long and he's about in his mid 40s or so?

What the heck is a so called international elder? And why are they claiming Georgia and even Cyprus have their own "clans"?

They do seem like some fairly lost PODIAs.

O'siyo to all,
My name is Linda Hatt. My Cherokee name is," Seeker of the Truth". “Seeker???. I live in Sparta Tennessee. I have accepted the position as Tribal Mother for the Tennessee Clan....

As with many of you, I didn't know about my Cherokee heritage until I was 47 years old. I didn't do much about it until 3 years ago....

I Am Seeker

Seeker of the Truth (Linda)


There's also a woman claming to be tribal mother of the United CHOCTAW Indian Nation.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2009, 03:39:35 pm »
Yeah, that Chief Red Hawk's a joke. 

And look how much money Red Hawk’s making on his speeches!

Then he talks about the Vision Quest and Peyote, but doesn’t mention the Stomp Dance.

Getting back to the “United Cherokee Indian Nation???, can anybody tell me whats wrong with this picture???


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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2009, 03:56:34 pm »
This group keeps trying to reinvent it's self.  Has changed hands a couple of times.                                                                                                     Mississippi only has the Philadelphia Band of Choctaw

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2009, 01:39:32 am »
  National & International Principal Chief of Europe (UIN) & (UCIN)

National and International Tribal Elder- The United Indian Nation (UIN) and (UCIN)
Ambassador To Europe for (UIN) and (UCIN)

International Pipe Carrier --- UIN & UCIN
Chief Tony "Night Eagle" Angastiniotis - Cyprus Clan Chief

Heyyyyy I didn't know we had a Cherokee Principal Chief in Europe!!!! Man I wonder if he does Frequent flyer miles. :D

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2009, 03:45:30 am »
They seem to have their own associated tribe in Europe.  “The United Indian Nation??? European Clans. It looks like they have members in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.  I wonder what kind of membership they have?
As far as the United Cherokee Nation reinventing themselves goes, the “United Cherokee People???, seem to also be connected to them in some way.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2009, 05:00:14 am »
Back to Chief Red Hawk.  This is a disgrace what he says here.  He says he's a North Carolina Cherokee, and that "the Cherokees in North Carolina don't like the Cherkoees in Oklahoma".  What a load of crap!  Thats not true.  North Carolina Cherokees and Oklahoma Cherokees are kin.  This statement is offensive and insulting to both North Carolina and Oklahoma Cherokees.


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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2009, 03:23:16 pm »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2009, 06:29:32 pm »
He says he's a North Carolina Cherokee, and that "the Cherokees in North Carolina don't like the Cherkoees in Oklahoma".  What a load of crap!  Thats not true.  North Carolina Cherokees and Oklahoma Cherokees are kin.  This statement is offensive and insulting to both North Carolina and Oklahoma Cherokees.

Common tactic among exploiters and abusers. It's a way to sow doubt and dissension, and give the abuser an aura of authority (implying that he has the real, inside scoop, and you should go to him to get your questions answered, not those other NDNs). That way, if someone calls real Cherokees and asks about him, he's already planted the idea that the other, legitimate people are the liars, and are just out to get him. It's an attempt to discourage and dissuade anyone from ever checking up on him. It's insurance, an effort to prolong the period of time the abuser can get away with their lies. 

With these types, one has to hope that those who hang around the abuser long enough will realize the ever-mutating and contradictory stories don't make sense. And anyone who lies that much eventually trips over themselves, and exposes themselves.

Offline chief redelk

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2009, 05:35:33 am »

I can respect and appreciate posters opinions but it is a federal crime to make slanderous afalse untrue accusations on the internet. The  FBI and Internet Crimes Commission ahas assured our tribe that they have posters IP computor addresses and will be obtaining warrents. They have a way of finding out where anyone who posts false accusatuions about people live. They do it daily.

Further Chief Red Hawk and United Cherokee Indian Nation are not fake nor has he ever stated he is hawaiian.

We have filed criminal indictments with the FBI and Internet crimes commission

Offline educatedindian

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2009, 05:55:43 am »

I can respect and appreciate posters opinions but it is a federal crime to make slanderous afalse untrue accusations on the internet. The  FBI and Internet Crimes Commission ahas assured our tribe that they have posters IP computor addresses and will be obtaining warrents. They have a way of finding out where anyone who posts false accusatuions about people live. They do it daily.

Further Chief Red Hawk and United Cherokee Indian Nation are not fake nor has he ever stated he is hawaiian.

We have filed criminal indictments with the FBI and Internet crimes commission

Hello, wouldn't want you to think you were being ignored.

I don't think you are this "Red Elk."

Instead you seem to be a self proclaimed "Chief Red Elk Thomas" of the "Southeast Chickamauga Cherokee."

Much of what you say is interesting to put it mildly.

1. Not a word of "slander" in anything we've said, and we take great care in putting nothing false and no lies in this forum. That's something neither UCIN nor Ed Laughry AKA "Red Hawk" nor yourself can claim.

2. You can't "file criminal indictments". Only a DA or federal prosecutor can. Obviously there are no such indictments from anyone with the power to make them, or our members would have heard from the feds, which we haven't.

3. No such thing as an "Internet Crimes Commission."

4. I'm sure if you really did contact the FBI, they were not amused by you wasting their time, and only succeeded in getting yourself on their "Pay No Mind" list.

5. And what you just said could be regarded as threatening, except that it's so laughable.

There's also a Tsikimauga Warrior Society he runs. Really love the way you get all your images from Franklin Mint plates. And this is interesting.
"Our news letter member did not do any of the issues, and had to be banished from the society due to her using the society name to obtain a
personal federal grant, which, thankfully she was arrested and did not get.

But, 2008 brought many changes and good things for the society. The society, which has long been under the Southeastern Chickamauga Cherokee Nation is now officially under the SECCN/ And our nation of people is also under umbrella of the United Indian Nation."