Author Topic: United Cherokee Nation  (Read 121041 times)


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United Cherokee Nation
« on: May 09, 2006, 06:11:58 am »
I couldn't find if these people were previously listed. But they have a recuiting ad in a East Tennessee newspaper (Tri-State Connection). It states "The United Cherokee Nation is taking applications for you to claim your Indian Heritage. Take pride in your heritage and JOIN us. Application is located on or Contact Christy at 423-626-7131 Looks like they are based in Idaho and only costs $35 for an ID card. Run by another Chief Two Eagles.   frederica :'(


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2006, 10:45:44 am »
They're another group that tries to dupe people into think that their member ship in what is basically a club for people who may or may not be Cherokee, but have no way/inclination to actually prove it to the recognized tribal standards, means something.

If you look at the cards they issue people it says that the bearer of the card is entitled to all rights and priviledges under American Indian Religious Freedom Act, for example, and they aren't.

Which is why I moved them into the fraud section.

Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 01:06:14 am »
The United Cherokee website list of tribal elders has Ed Lawry aka Red Hawk on their site.  He is NOT a Cherokee but of Mexican descent.  Yesterday the Toano-Norge Times of Virginia ran an article having his picture.  Suddenly he is Chief Red Hawk and he has been hired by the Williamsburg Choral Guild to do a narration.  I quickly contacted the newspaper and told them that the United Cherokee is a fraudulent group and the names of the three federally recognized nations along with names of the chiefs.  The CNO has been notified of this.  My friend and I asked that the newspaper please do an article about frauds such as the United Cherokee and this Chief Red Hawk. 
You can read the article at on page 12. 
William Graywolf


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2006, 04:36:10 pm »
 If you google UCN+ any state you are more than likely find this group in most states as you will also find UPCN. Red Hawk was first chief of the United Free Cherokee Nation out of Florida as was jerry Edwards, there was some trouble and Edwards left and Red Hawk started the UCN as chief, ??? self proclaimed unless he can prove that this postion of "chief was handed down in a traditional way to him. He "resigned" as "Chief" ??? of the UCN and "Two Eagles" became chief and Red Hawk stayed on as an elder. ???

Email him as he is very quick to respond even with all these engagements;

As you will read you can apply to be a "Chief" LOL and than there is $$$$

                                                                         Weheli ;D

Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 07:26:25 pm »
I am attempting to research much of what this Red Hawk/Ed Laughry (Lawry) tells about himself on his website. 
Of the Old Negev Research Institute I can find nothing.  It is not listed in the list of research institutes of the US at
I searched for this institute on altavista search engine, google, yahoo, myweb, msn,, lycos, giganut, wiseblast, teoma, clusty and A9.  It is not listed on these except for being listed under Red Hawk Speaks website.  It is not listed on the Brigham Young University’s list of research centers and publications. 

Anyone have any idea or suggestion how to find this research institute?   

Meanwhile I am also filling out forms to check his military record and awards.  He claims The Navy Achievement Medal and said he received commendations for serving in Desert Storm and was awarded the Humanitarian Ribbon.  Said he was discharge from the Department of Defense with full honors in 1991.  He states in his personal introduction:
 Chief Red Hawk is a Cherokee Indian and former Chief of the Bird-Band for the American Cherokee Confederacy of Georgia.  We all know this is a fraudulent band and he is not a member of any of the three federally recognized tribes.  In fact, he seems to belong to only fraudulent tribes and organizations.

In 2006 Red Hawk received a “Certificate of Training??? in Operations Security and Awareness by the Interagency OPSEC Support Staff.
In searching for this I found :

OPSEC: Management
Solutions providing centralized and simplified security administration along with enhanced tools for security analysis. leader in securing the Internet. It is a market leader in the worldwide enterprise firewall, consumer Internet security and VPN markets...
Neither Red Hawk or his company is listed in OPSEC’s success stories which lists the companies they have successfully worked with.
I have sent them an email asking if they have heard of him or of his company.

He states he is Founder of OPM Management Solutions.  In searching for OPM Management Solutions, I find  The U.S. Office of Personnel Management  listed and they do not know him.  He’s not employed by them.  It is a government agency.  Next listed is : Serena Operations Process Management Solutions, he’s not affiliated with them. 
In fact, when doing a search of this, you constantly come up with the governmental agency of the US Office of Personnel Management. 

His company is possibly one of his own making and is no way affiliated with any government entity and is not sanctioned by them.  It is definitely a misleading statement and certainly can make a person think he has worked for them. 

Winner of the Navy Achievement Medal,  no one WINS this medal it is awarded to those who are not eligible to receive it.  Humanitarian Service Medal is awarded to members of the Armed Forces who distinguish themselves by meritorious direct participation in any significant military act or operation of a humanitarian nature approved by the Department of Defense. The medal is not awarded for participation in domestic disturbances involving law enforcement, equal rights to citizens, or protection of properties.

I have noted that when he recorded having these, he has left out wording.  He says Navy Achievement Medal when it is Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.  He says Humanitarian Medal which is correctly called the Humanitarian Service Medal. 

I am filling out a form to check on these awards with the National Military Personnel Records Center.   

He states he's received two 2004 TELLY Awards.  The Telly Awards honor outstanding local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions.  You can find the list of the 2004 Telly Award Winners at:

25th Annual Telly Awards (2004)
Commercial Winners
25th Annual Telly Awards (2004)
Film/Video Winners

Neither he by his name of Red Hawk, Ed Laughry or Lawry or his OPM Management Solutions is listed as a winner. 

Any suggestions where I can do more research on this man or his statements?  I'm new at this.

William Graywolf


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2006, 07:48:07 pm »
GREAT JOB William,
I have been trying to get the goods on this fake for a long time. Email me if I can help. I will continue to see what I can also come up with.
                                                                               Weheli :)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2006, 08:09:08 pm »

If his military stuff comes up frauduent, please consider sending it to the websites that deal with military frauds.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2006, 09:42:40 pm »
I'm pretty impressed too, William. Many of my students don't put this much effort or ingenuity into their term papers. For a first timer, you covered most of the searches one can do. There are also sites to search for public records like, which will give you addresses and DOB down to the month. Since they're often based on credit reports, the information is not always accurate. There's also Guidestar to check on nonprofits, and to see who owns a website. Neither of those are always accurate either.

Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2006, 06:31:20 pm »
I received an email today from a man who says his name is Earl Laughry.  Said he is a relative of Ed's aka Red Hawk and said the entire family is ashamed of him.  He is of Mexican descent but American born.  He also confirmed that during the time Ed was stationed in Hawaii, he claimed Hawaiin descent.  He's very ashamed of his Mexican heritage. 
I have also been told that when he first came to Virginia he didn't claim Indian status until after he was here a while.  He's only claimed it in order to promote himself as such. 
My wife called the BIA and was told he can't legally claim any status as an American Indian unless he is enrolled in a valid, federal nation.  She went on to say that those who are enrolled in a valid, state-recognized tribe of the state they live in can legally call themselves Indians.  Many of these are on the rolls seeking federal validation and there are a list of those.
He is not enrolled in any of those or any of the Virginia state Indian tribes or the three Cherokee tribes.  His claim as Cherokee or Indian is invalid. 
William Graywolf


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2006, 08:06:15 pm »
 ;D Had to post this about Red Hawk, I I I, ME ME ME, what arrogance, although it is good for researching what he says.

Red Hawk Speaks
It's been over 20 years now that people have been trying to accuse me of one thing or another, how sad no one has every come up with any proof on any of these lies. I'm still moving forward and people just hate it when an Indian get ahead. Let's see, what did I do over the last two years. Hmm, two Native American Music Award Nominations, a letter from President Bush, 4 First Round picks in the 47 Annual GRAMMY, an AMI Nomination. I'm on the same lecturing platform with Colin Powell and the French Ambassador and Judge Joe Brown. I've lecture for the National Security Agency with background checks for secret clearance and still people questioned? I'm the author of 3 book, I have lectured to over 1 million students on cultural programs and assisted in developing a national recognized training program in Diversity. 

Let's try to get the information right, once again!
I only belong to one tribe that's the Eastern Band under the honorable Chief Red Man (Federal). My genealogy goes all the way back to 1100 AD. I'm kind of a genealogy nut, to tell you the truth. A German who immigrated to the US during the Pennsylvania trade married one of my ancestors (Cherokee). I have a coat of arms, it's really cool. OK, I'm getting off the subject. I am currently working on a book about the Otters and James families. Ed Laughrey was my stepfathers name, not mine. He married my mother after my real father passed away. On my birth certificate, drivers license, and social security card all have Red Hawk or in the past Edward Red Hawk. I legally dropped Edward over 20 years ago.

Now for those so call people who "know me," smiling. My sister, wow, that's funny, because I don't have a sister, how strange that someone who claims to be my sister is Mexican. I have two brothers, that's it. Unless my parents did something I don't know about, in another state I don't know about. Every other relative but one brother lives outside VA. Who ever claims to be my sister is lying. I don't have a sister. I hope that clears that up. It would be nice I have to say, but sadly, no sisters.

Second: Some one ask how can I retire from being a clan chief under Georgia's state recognized charter. Easy, I moved on, the tribal fighting, as always, become so bad and corrupted, I wanted no part in that. How sad the only thing Indians can do these days is bash other Indian and make trouble for those who make a difference. There is more corruption in Native Tribes than the US Government, boy we learned from the best.

Third: Some one ask, who authorized me to be a storyteller. What, are you kidding? How stupid can you be and still be part of society. I didn't know there was some governing body, National Organization of Tribal Storyteller's, some 4 year program on storytelling or someone had to get permission from some Federal tribe to tell or write books on Native Cultural Mythology. That's the most stupid, uneducated thing I've ever heard!

Red Hawk out. And please, feel free to contact me directly for any additional information.  ;D ;D ;D :o :o ??? ???


Offline Diana

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 02:12:20 am »
Now I know this guy is really not an Indian, he used the term "Native Cultural Mythology." No self respecting Indian would use the word mythology in describing native culture. He's a fake.

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 03:03:43 pm »
His talking about nominations is not too impressive. The NAMMYs have been controversial for decades for all the frauds they nominate, often several every year. A letter from the president? I could get one too, just by asking for a flag that once flew at the White House, which are given away to children of vets all the time, or even sold to whoever has the money. He doesn't say how or why he got the letter. He doesn't deal with all the accounts saying he's an imposter, or used to claim to be Hawaiian, or that these accounts come from uncles, not sisters.

Offline Spaewife

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2008, 12:46:28 am »
Same people different chief.  Was asked about on myspace, i posted fraud based on here but thought I'd toss this here.. 

54 years old
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
United States

O'siyo my relations, I am currently the Principal Chief of the Nation of The United Cherokee Nation (UCN).


Per our IRS filing we ARE an International Tribal Membership Organization, open to all people of Tsalagi (Cherokee) blood, we do not discriminate as to quantum or to how you look or where or how you were raised.

Please find us at


It has long be prophesied by our ancestors (“The Return of the Buffalo???), that the new century would bring forth many people of Cherokee blood that want to rejoin the heritage that had been hidden from them. Hidden from them because of the fear left from the 1800's when our people were persecuted by the white man. These people coming forth now, maybe with just a drop of Cherokee blood, have been given the spark by the Creator to return to the white path, to learn of their ancestors, of our old ways, and some may want to help in bringing back our history, customs, ceremonies, stories and languages or even to recognize and practice those old ways.

However, heart warming and proud as we may feel about those of you who are on this path, there are still others who reject you. People who have appointed themselves above everyone one else and say they are the Cherokee “Experts,??? and say that they are the real recognized Indians and that you are not. You are considered and called a “Wannbe,??? or a “Twinkie.??? These people who claim they have the knowledge concerning our past are the ones who are quick to point the finger at others and accuse them as being fraud. If our old traditions were the knowledge they really hold, then they would know that to judge and call down another, or even having bad thoughts against another is against our old way teachings. It is wrongful and is also known as bad witchcraft to talk against another and to put them below yourself. When it comes to your being a Cherokee or not, It does not matter how much Cherokee blood you have, it is that you DO have even a drop and that you wish to live your life as Cherokee. This is the old way!

Why then do these “Experts??? degrade those of less blood or those who cannot prove their heritage. It simply comes down to selfish greed and desire for money. Money from the same government that tried to exterminate and genocide our people hundreds of years ago. Some of our cousins think that you are trying to steal their money or government benefits away from them. So, in un- warranted defense, they strike back and call you a fraud. This is a mid-set that has been instilled in our people over hundreds of years by this same government who tried to destroy us. They wanted to illuminate us altogether, and to assimilate us into another race. That did not work, but they did create a mixed race which has caused a separation between us that may never allow us to come back, or at least cause it hard to re-unite. But these Cherokee people coming back to the way are strong, and they won’t give up. All they want is to be accepted, recognized by their own and not by a government. They want to assist in gaining the benefits for our cousins, not to steal those benefits. Most could care less if they are recognized by the U.S. Government, or by a State organized unit, or to be a member of one of the recognized tribes, no...they just want to be accepted for who they are.

All Cherokee, despite how much blood we have, know that we are all related, and to gain anything for our people we must unify, not continue to divide. Call the Cherokee people wanting to return to the white path, “Returning Cherokee,??? “Disenfranchised Cherokee,??? or “Un-recognized Cherokees,??? but do not call them “Wannabes’??? or “frauds.??? Do not look down on them or talk about them behind their backs. Don’t sneer, giggle or laugh at them. Do not refuse to talk to them if they speak to you. Give these Cherokee people the same respect they are offering to you.

These Cherokee People coming back to the ways of their heritage will not let anyone deny them from being who they are, they should not apologize to anyone on the quantum of their blood, or the color of their skin, hair or eyes and let no one deny them that pride and privilege of being a Cherokee. “The Creator gave no man the power to say who any other man can or cannot be???. It should also be recognized that these undocumented Cherokee may also be the descendants of the Cherokee people who fought against the white man, the Cherokee people who refused to be placed in reservations. The Cherokee people who hid out in the hills from the white man and kept themselves “free.??? These Cherokee felt that they had held to their belief of freedom and did not give in or sell out to the white mans government. These were the Cherokee who felt that they were the true Cherokee, the true warriors for our freedom. These people went through a lot to keep hidden from the white man and to be safe from removal. They had to change their names and take on the names of non Indians. They kept no records so that they could not be traced. All family history was by word of mouth. Soon, not even verbal history was spoken under fear of imprisonment. So are ancestors had to hide their pride. It became so bad that soon no one spoke of their heritage and unfortunately, some younger family members were not told of their heritage just so they would be kept safe. Our ancestors gave up a lot just to be free.

During and after the removal of the people, times became very hard. So the government devised yet another way to assist in the extermination of the Indians. The government offered those Indian people their own plots of land and also gave them up to $5000.00 in cash so that they could live and farm their own lands. They even offered them slaves. But this was not without a catch. To do this the government required these families to denounce their Indian heritage and to never speak of it again. The government wanted these Indians to live as whites and because times were so hard for these people, many accepted.

In any of the cases mentioned, they would have never thought that one day we would return to our heritage and find that we couldn’t trace our families because of the secrets. Today, because of that, some of their descendants cannot find a history of their family. Cannot prove, by the white man’s government standards, that they are Cherokee. Our ancestors never thought that we’d have to prove to anyone who we were. Does anyone have the right to put these people down because their ancestors were the warriors who fought against being a prisoner of the white man? No! Actually it should be quite the opposite.

We are our own worst enemies. As long as we continue to separate ourselves, and not acknowledge our other Cherokee people, we will never be united. Until we are united we have not become ONE people and we will continue to lose the strength that we should have as one people. Until this can happen, we will never fulfill what the Creator has taught us. Standup, be proud of who you are. Tell everyone that you are a Cherokee Indian and damn proud to be. Make sure you fill out job applications stating who you are a Native American. Join a disenfranchised Cherokee band or organization in your state. Make a promise to learn the Cherokee traditions, stories and the language and each day, choose a time to practice telling these stories or speaking our language. It is up to us to keep our heritage alive, as one or as a whole, a family, a people. The Cherokees have a very rich part of Americas history which continues today, show your pride in that history. Make your ancestors proud to know you are proud to be their relations. Do not allow anyone to take away your birthright. Stand up and be proud of who you will not stand alone!


In a official news release dated September 22nd., 2000, Principal Chief Chad Smith of the Western Cherokee Nation publicly acknowledged the existence of undocumented Cherokees, but in the same breath, denied their rights to recognition. Appearing in the Cherokee Nation’s web site in September, 2000, Chief Smith stated, “There are people with undeniable Cherokee heritage who don’t meet enrollment requirements. That doesn’t mean they can’t claim their ancestry.??? “Through anomalies caused by ethnicidal policies of the United States Government, the traditional Cherokee Nation has been fragmented.??? said Chief Smith, “That’s why there is an Eastern Band of Cherokees in North Carolina. We are all one people separated by geography. The historical Cherokee Nation is currently headquartered in Tahlequah (OK). But just as a person with grandparents who migrated to the United States from Germany cannot claim German citizenship, people whose Cherokee ancestors emigrated from the Cherokee Nation before the Dawes Rolls were taken cannot claim Cherokee citizenship.

In this news release, one must certainly assume that Chief Smith, who has spoken against un-documented Cherokees in the past, may be accepting them. In the 2000 news release it appears he is offering an open hand to those who simply want to be recognized as who they are, without receiving anything in return, except respect and friendship. So in response we should except this welcome, and if it is false, then it will be between him and the Creator.

Nvya Yona

Website or Organization

This is the web address of our Tribal Membership Organization, The United Cherokee Nation (UCN).


We are an International Tribal Memebership Organization for all people of Tsalagi (Cherokee) Blood.


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2008, 02:41:46 pm »
We had UCN on our site and my radar went up quick. He also for a job title said he worked in the Tribal Government. Needless to say, when my body begins to coil I know I am face to face with a fraud and fake. My blood boiled. I did extensive research on him and I also called Arizona Tribal Counsel and all the Government involved in State recognized Tribes and hearings. None have heard of him and he also is NOT on the roster as a Tribal Government or Government employee.

I created a Group in RNS because of him called, “Exposing ALL FAKES!???

Here is what I wrote there and I will share it with you all here.

POSTED BY: RavenCrow on Mar 6, 2008    

“Okay I got off the phone with several Tribal Governments Offices in Arizona yesterday, and they never heard of a Steven Phillips aka Chief Stone Bear.

I searched and called every person in the Government and Tribal Government and no one heard of this person. He has Tribal Government down as his job title. Now just because he is a fake Chief does not make him a Tribal Government employee. The people who of naive to how things are would be fooled into believing he is a Chief and works with Tribal Government.

This man is trying to make his organization a State recognized Tribe which never will happen. The reason why is, he claims that no quantum is needed. The use of people writing a letter and claiming to be Cherokee and having it notarized is proof enough.

Anyone with the slightest knowledge of what is will know this to be a lie. He also has an application for people to fill out. On this form is very personal information and allows this fake to have information that can be used for illegal acts like identity theft.

If you have any friends who are on this persons friends list feel free to warn them. I am so fed up with people like this fake Chief to feed off of peoples need to be validated as a Cherokee. There are more out there and I will post them as I get them. People like him should not be allowed to do this but for now the only tools we have is to warn people.???

“I would like to add that this man charges money too. They also do fund raising in the Indian name and supposedly uses it for college funds for supposed children. I have asked him if he gives any money for the real Indian Children in need and he avoids all questions. I am a firm believer of, if you make money using the Indian Culture you should at least give some money to the real Indians.

Now he wants to go to public schools and educate the people on the Cherokee ways and he has no clue. He said that the Buffalo Prophecy was about the Cherokee's and that it is said that all the lost Cherokee's will unite. HOG WASH! Last I knew, that was a Lakota Prophecy.???

POSTED BY: RavenCrow on Mar 6, 2008

This is what he wrote in "How to become a member" in his site.

“How Can You Join?
To join we need a completed application that has been notarized. Please scroll down to the bottom of this page and print two copies of the application in case of mistakes. When you sign and get the application notarized you are making a sworn statement that you have Tsalagi (Cherokee) Ancestry. In 20 years any document that is notarized becomes a legal court document. Please do not send any un-requested documentation with your application to The United Cherokee Nation (UCN), Your documents remain part of your collection and history.

Take the time to carefully review the application information and make sure you make additional copies of all forms not only for you, should you make mistakes in filling them out, but for anyone you know that has Tsalagi (Cherokee) ties. This is the time for each of us who claim the right to be Tsalagi (Cherokee) to join and to assist in THE "GATHERING" of our people, under one collective international tribal???

This is what was on his Profile in RNS.

"O'siyo my relations, I am currently the Principal Chief of the Nation of The United Cherokee Nation (UCN).
Per our IRS filing we ARE an International Tribal Membership Organization, open to all people of Tsalagi (Cherokee) blood, we do not discriminate as to blood quantum or how you look or where or how you were raised or even where you ancestor was in the 1800's and if they were counted and put on a roll. We are inclusive of all not exclusive for a few. We welcome all Tsalagi as we are a family of mixed-bloods that are coming back together, nothing more, and nothing less. We even allow non-Tsalagi family members to join with us as Associate members. We now have State Clans in 38 states and in the countries of Canada and Cyprus.
Presently we pay our taxes and do not get any government support, we are a member-supported organization, we have a membership fee and charge yearly dues. We are working toward our non-profit status; we are getting member donations for this cause. Once we receive our non-profit status we will apply for State recognition and grants. Our Eastern Office is in Georgia and our Western Office is in Arizona. If you should have any further questions, please email me.
Please find us at
I ask you all to visit our website, email or call any of our Elders or Chief's, read all of the pages that you need to, then make an intelligent decision if you want to join with us or with any other Cherokee organization locally. If you are close by, please visit with us at one of our gatherings. We are very active in some of the traditional home states of the Cherokee, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
Please do not make judgments on our mission of "The Gathering" without thoughtful prayer. The Creator will always show you the right way if you should ask. If you do not agree with what we are doing, please do it with respect and without hate-full speech toward me or other people that do not agree with you.
I continue to pray to the Creator for the people that want to write hate-full things on this and other internet sites.
We stand strong together in our mission of uniting the Lost Tsalagi. It is important that we all come together as one.
Nvya Yona

Open and Real Communication
Positive people that want to help their fellow man and Mother Earth.
Gathering together with like minded people in Peace and Harmony.
Teaching my children and grandchildren about our ancestors, history, language and culture.
Continuing our mission in spite of negitive people and threats.

Hate Speech.
Having to delete comments that are hate-full.
Having to block comments from these type of people.

JOB: Tribal Government ******************NOT
SMOKE: Socially
DRINK: Socially
BODY TYPE: Little extra
MEMBER SINCE: 03/03/2008
LAST LOGIN: 03/06/2008 01:00:34

The United Cherokee Nation (UCN)
54 years old
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
United States"

He has been banned and March 6th is when I posted my Group.


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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2008, 02:55:16 pm »
I should mention that the Arizona Tribal and Government knows his name and his groups name and all the wannabe fakes so when they go to apply to have a State Recognized tribe the blocks are already there.  Also, I will report all I find to the IRS. There is a second group on my list and I also did extensive research on them and it was a Pagan post I had my first information about the UPCN. Needless to say we all called the Attorney Generals Office and she now has the update on them and will be going after them as we speak and they too will be reported to the IRS. We are working on the ones in Spain and Scotland too for the International Fraud.

In his dis-likes where he said he hates it when people leave hateful comments, yes I am that guilty party. OOPS
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 03:00:11 pm by RavenCrow »