Yet more allegations of sexual assault, rape, and this time of the molesting of young children. The charges come from two of the mothers of the children involved, who are stating their own names publicly. They in turn say numerous others have daughters who've been abused the same.
Given the seriousness of the charges, I have to stress that so far these are still unproven charges, although one mother does vow to prosecute.
If true, I urge all victims to come forward so that no others will be harmed and justice is done. If anyone knows the people involved, please contact them to urge them to go to the police and DAs and seek prosecution.
And anyone who is in any contact with people who may be near Pope or his projects, please warn everyone as a precaution.
------------------------------ spotted eagle pope is a child molester
by spring duckett
( free_mother_earth [at] ) Wednesday Jul 30th, 2008 12:14 PM
three years ago my family lived at nanish shontie. there is a big long personal drama involved in all of this, but the reason i am here is because my daughter, who is now almost 10, claims that mala molested her. she never said anything while we were there, in fact it didnt come out until a year later when she was living with her father (my exhusband) and she told a counselor. due to strained and legal problems with my ex i have not been able to get ahold of the medical records and go to oregon to press charges, but i believe my daughter and i am caught between severe anger and great sadness. i am joining and posting here because apparently in the past year people have posted about mala being a fraud and quite frankly, i am at a loss as to how to handle this. i will not let it go, there will be retribution of some kind; i am hoping to find some way in the indigenous community that can offer suggestions other than the us goverments idea of justice. if anyone would be willing to talk with me about this, please contact me. time is not an issue, as long as i have breath in my body i will work on finding a way to deal with this so that he takes responsibility for sexually abusing my 6 year old ON HER BIRTHDAY.
shoshone tribe
by spring duckett
Thursday Aug 28th, 2008 10:51 AM
Mala Spotted Eagle Pope is indeed Shoshone, the son of Rolling Thunder. He is not lying about his heritage. however, i don't know that i would call him an elder, as he is middle aged. Poohabah was a healing center in tecopa hot springs, california, that he was affiliated with but was not his. It was a place started and run by Shoshone elder Corbin Harney, who has at this time crossed over. Corbin was one of the most amazing people i have ever known, and i am ever thankful for my brief time learning with him. i don't know what has happened with the place since then. I am not a member of any tribe, i am simply a young American woman who shares the belief that we all would be nowhere fast without our Mother Earth. I am no saint, and i am not here on this planet to fight with anyone. I am looking for a way to heal, and for my young innocent daughter to heal from the great wrong done to her by a man whom my husband and i had great respect and admiration for, that we trusted. i do not agree with or believe in the american government's ideas of justice, nor do i believe in violence, and i will continue to search for the right way to deal with this. if anyone who reads these threads has any suggestions at all i would be so thankful for their input. What is the way of the tribes to deal with something like this? I continue to pray to the Great Creator for answers, and peace in all this.
Spring, your daughter is not alone. Mala Spotted Eagle Pope is a sexual preditor.
by Teresa Maijala
Tuesday Sep 16th, 2008 11:21 PM
Spring, first of all I want to say I am so sorry for what Mala did to your daughter. I don't doubt your story at all. I am reaching out to you, as another Mother with knowledge of what Mala Spotted Eagle Pope has done to your daughter and many other young girls over at least the past 30 years. I lived at Meta Tantay along with my then Husband and two children. A son and a daughter. I know of at least 4 girls he molested there, all under the age of 5. My daughter was 3. I won't name names at the moment. But I know all these beautiful young women, and their Mothers. The thought of what these girls have had to carry and live with at this mans hands is more then I can bear being silent about.These girls have had to live with the emotional scarring, years of torment while he is free to play Spiritual leader and continue destroying the hearts souls and emotions of our daughters. Then parading around the country like someone we are all supposed to honor and learn from. It is time for his reign of terror on little girls as well as grown women to come to an end.
There are allot of people who know about his behavior from Meta Tantay. He has many enemies. We all knew and respected his father Rolling Thunder. I have to say I don't understand how he has gotten away with this for so long. Why none of us adults, intelligent men an women allow this man to continue. Honestly, I don't understand why Rolling Thunder let it go on.
I am very sad to say that his wife Sky has to know about this. If she is really a "Clan Mother" why is she letting her husband get away with this? She is in a position in these communities to leave little girls at his mercy, while she has their Moms and Dads off working here and there. Is this what a Clan Mother does? Isn't it her job to protect children? She is a teacher, right? In these communities where Sky and mala are set up as trusted leaders, where we bring our sweet babies to try and find a way to live a better life. They desecrate our families like this? Please it's time to quit keeping dirty secrets, wake up and call it what is really is! There is strength in numbers.
We don't have to be perfect people to demand justice. None of us are perfect people, including Rolling Thunder. The hard part for me was admitting we were foolish to trust them, and having my precious daughter pay with her mind, emotions, heart and soul for my dreams of a better world. My heart just dies every time I think of it.
Personally, I think prison sounds fabulous. There grown men are willing and able to do to him what he has done to our daughters. Then let him spend the next 20 years in therapy trying to get back his will to live, healing. I am putting this on the WWW because I want to go to court over the matter! I will ask every girl he has molested to come forward, and we will do it together. How many young girls will we be saving? How many don't we know about?
My beautiful daughter has suffered so deeply, I can only imagine how many others there are.
With deep sorrow,
Mala Spotted Eagle
by Hermy Jes
( hermyjes [at] ) Sunday Sep 21st, 2008 11:38 AM
I'm very sorry to read all the stories about sexual abuse by Mala Spotted Eagle Pope. I've known mala for 10 yeas and spend many summers (6-10weeks) with him and his wife Sky. The big dream was to build a community for all people for a better earth.
During my time there I did notice his strange way of reacting to women in general. His first comment when I got at Nanish Shontie was: 'did you know that Shoshone men can have more then one women?' Of course I was surprised and asked him with what intention he would tell me this. He did not answer.
Also we worked a lot in the 'community' and for the 'community'. to discover no improvement whatsoever. Nothing in 10 yrs. I did however get to hear a lot of stories about sexual abuse. Some of them heartbreaking. Using 'healing' as an excuse (elkmedicine). None of the women dared to go to the police, they were threatened in diffirent ways. One was to think of what his father Rolling Thunder was able to do. mala was able to do those things too! And even when the women in question were living in another country, he would know how to hurt them if they told.
When I heard the stories I told as many people as I could and being the contactperson in Holland for Nanish Shontie, this brought me the threat from mala too. He told me that if I would come to the States again, he would tell Native people that worked for him, how to find me and deal with me the 'native'way!
I had very good contact with Corbin Harney and he would turn in his grave if he knew even half!
The only thing I can think of is to get all the women (young and older) to get together and report together. I really think that prison is the only place this man is in place!!
I know what it is to be molested and I feel deeply for you daughter. She is lucky to have such a brave mother!
Mala Spotted Eagle is, was and always will be nothing but a huge fraud
by Just Don't Buy It
Thursday Oct 2nd, 2008 3:34 AM
Thank you for having the courage to come forward and post what you know!
It's very difficult to stop these new age frauds because they are very clever and devious and they know how to manipulate white people psychologically.
I would never judge a woman who has been sexually violated and I would never demand that she come forward.
However, there are white people who have given money to Mala who could come forward and help to document how much money has been taken in for the phoney non profit Nanish Shonte. They could demand that the IRS investigate Mala and return all the money to the Shoshone people.
Almost all of the victims of Mala's scams are white and they are too embarrassed about being fooled by this charlatan to admit it openly.
Religious scam artists, like Mala, count on this.
White people need to get over their need to always be right and to admit they've been fooled. Until they develop the humility to do this, native peopel will continute to suffer and our religious will continue to be polluted by the lies that frauds like him spread.
Nanish Shontie is an illegitimate non profit. Mala explointed Corbin to make money. Native people have tried to expose him for years, but the laws require that someone who has been victimized by the scam come forward and ask for their money to be returned. No matter how many native people denounce Mala for his fraud, no action will be taken by the racist U.S. government against him until white people who have been bilked of their money are willing to admit they are wrong.
In a racist society, this will take a long, long time.
November 2008 it buy nothing new age month.
I hope that white people will voluntarily refrain from buying anything new age for this one month and reflect on how their blind consumerism hurts native people.
Please spread the word - November 2008 - BUY NOTHING!
Thank you
http://www.justdontbuyit.bravehost.comelders speak up!!
by spring duckett
( free_mother_earth [at] ) Thursday Oct 2nd, 2008 9:36 AM
thank you mothers for speaking out. i would like to ask that if any elders have eyes to see these posts or ears to hear our cries that they share their wisdom, the old ways to deal with these things. prison is an ugly place but it is white justice. now dont get me wrong i am white but i dont think that it is justice, i cant pick and choose what's okay for the government to dictate and i havent seen anything that they do that would be considered of the spirit. as nice as it is to envision him in prison, i prefer to envision him forced spiritually to face his own monsters and the Great Spirit, to be healed of his demons, not consumed by them. if its just to hurt him i got better ideas than prison...thats too good for him. if any one has suggestions of where to look for elders to speak with, i will travel to them. i know they arent going to be online, but i dont want to just walk up into tribal community with these accusations, i want to go in a good way. i will honor the wisdom that comes. corbin was the most amazing person i have known and if he was here we would pray together at sunrise about it. who else will come forward to pray with me at sunrise? newe sogobia, i call to you, rise and honor your ways. they are not forgotten.