Author Topic: Which URL for website?  (Read 18158 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Which URL for website?
« on: May 30, 2006, 05:31:33 pm »

I have linked to the NAFPS website for a few years now, but today most of the links are broken.  What is up with this?  Which URLs should I be using? 

The main page at comes up, and the "about" page, but not most of the others.  And the pandora site is completely gone. 

IIRC there was some discussion about this on the YahooGroup, so I'll go search through messages there.

Additionally, I need a direct URL for a good explanation of "Shameon".  I think it's pretty obvious, but one of my collaborators on a piece I'm co-writing for the web thinks we need to link to an explanation. 

I hope the pages can be put back up, or are up and I'm just not finding them.  It is very important to have that information out there, and I have relied on the pages a great deal when attempting to educate people about issues of cultural theft and shameonism.  The articles on chanupa and inipi have been especially helpful.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 01:21:08 am by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Which URL for website?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 08:27:28 pm »
I have linked to the NAFPS website for a few years now, but today most of the links are broken.  What is up with this?
Hello, and thanks very much for your ongoing support of NAFPS: it's much appreciated. I think the missing pages were hosted by Trisha, who has recently decided to take them down.

Which URLs should I be using?
Not sure. Stay tuned.

Additionally, I need a direct URL for a good explanation of "Shameon".  I think it's pretty obvious, but one of my collaborators on a piece I'm co-writing for the web thinks we need to link to an explanation.

What about this page?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Which URL for website?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 10:52:52 pm »

What about this page?

After looking through a few, I decided on that one and had just finished putting it in the links when I got your reply.  ;D 

I think until the NAFPS website situation is clearer, I'm going to link to the Our Red Earth index page.   I like their formatting on the Declaration of War.  As soon as the NAFPS site is filled out again I'll put the link back in.  I hope it's back up soon.   
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 01:22:28 am by Yells At Pretendians »