This is the text that Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier have send me with email message:
"Excuse me but you have posted misleading information on your website about me and I
certainly do not appreciate a foreigner posting such gossip and hearsay. You have no
right whatso ever and I demand you take any maliscious posting about me off your
list immediately. I am contacting interpol in this matter also.
Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier ? Chief of the Zibiodey Metis River Heart Band,USA.Phone (317)-248-8458 "
This is my reply:
"My list includes those who simply leads sacred ceremonies of the American
Indians. Not gossip but only information on this. The list is completed
with many documents written from Native American approximately the
protection of sacred ceremonies. I do not accuse nobody, I express my free
opinion not to associate to what it you makes. Not there is other on my
web site if not the freedom of information and opinion. Please Make
yourself translate my web site and you reconsider its opinion. The freedom
of information and the freedom of opinion are not crime.
Alessandro Profeti, Italy."
More this is your reply:
"My Friend the wording about me is definately false! I work in prisons here
fighting for prisoners rights. I fight for all Indian rights whenever I am
called upon. My accusers fail to do such things but can mouth off very good.
My state recognizes me and has been notified by many nations and people when
I was stopped from the prisons because of petty writings such as those on
your sight. This type of behavior interferes with American Indians because
it is a divide and conquer issue, If you can live with this and not find the
real truth I feel sorry for you. I need not prove to anyone who I am but I
certainly feel insulted that someone from a foreign country makes such a
stand and yet does not even know who I am. Another thing is If I am such a
phoney or fake then I wonder why many people call upon me to aide them. I
know my family and my blood so please cease insulting me and my family.
Posting bad things about me is an insult since none of it is true. Here in
Indian country there is a political thing that goes around when someone is
doing a good thing for the people. Those so called accusors did not get the
sweat lodges started in the prisons I was instrumental in this taking place
because I file lawsuits against the state demanding our rights. I am not a
medicine man as some have labled me I am a human being struggling to protect
my family and their rights for the future. Please remove the petty
accusations from your sight. I ask you to let your heart see not someone
elses words of anger or jealousy."
What are you opinion? Please write here yor message and response...thanks!