Author Topic: Michael Redthunder  (Read 20385 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Michael Redthunder
« on: September 15, 2006, 07:59:03 pm »
We've received several reports on him, people reporting abuse and deception and asking if he is what he claims to be. His own website just has him selling jewelry. We need to find people within the communities he's claiming.

Below is part of one report, portions deleted and writing style altered to protect the witness.

His name is Michael Redthunder. he says he is born April 26th 1957. Where? He tells different things according to the persons he talks to on the internet. He told me he was born in Oklahoma. To others he is from Parmelee, Rosebud Rez. He says he is Choctaw/Dakota. He told me he was Lakota.
He enjoys travel and his strategy is to contact women from 35 to 47 years old. He seduces them, tries to get a town hall or associations to prepare conferences in Europe.
He makes jewelry that he brings and sells during his conferences. Paid cash, no traces.
He says he does all this for the children of Rosebud living in misery, but he is greedy.
He often comes to Europe, especially France.
This weekend he will be in Vittel and will do two conferences. Search on google "vittel michael redthunder".
He is on the blog of a woman Tallulah. For her he is a shaman.
He will be next week in Grenoble in the Alps) for the grand opening of a shop called Sioux-Venir.
He will do a ceremony of purification for the shop.
He is someone very violent in his speech. He uses psychological pressures on his prey.
If he gathers money for the kids of Rosebud, what organization or association on Rosebud rez gets the money and gives it back to the kids?
His story sounds wrong. He says he is a shaman coming from Rosebud, does conferences and the fees will go to the children of Rosebud.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 08:03:00 pm »
What's been found so far.

Dakota Choctaw Sioux?


Also had passed along to me that two people from Rosebud never heard of him, yet he claims to be from Parmalee and been a Sundance leader there for 20 years. He also once worked for a French organization called INAPA whose leader left France for unknown reasons. I'll keep everyone posted.

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 05:27:04 pm »
hey al, check your private message box with some more info on this guy.

k. wesho-bauer

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2006, 03:19:40 pm »
We've found out what is likely his actual name, Michael Stuart. Possibly living near Dallas in the suburb of Lewisville. No one by his name living in Parmalee like he claims. It was pointed out to me that Redthunder is a Nez Perce name, but none of the Michael Stuarts in Idaho or Washington were born the same year he was.

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 09:38:55 pm »

Previous Residences:

Possible Relative

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2006, 10:35:18 pm »
ok check your email box again.

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2006, 11:01:43 pm »
ok mr michael gregory was born in Dallas County Texas, most likely Carrolton Texas.

Stuart, Michael Gregory                 4-26-1957   M   Dallas

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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His Resume'
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2006, 11:31:48 pm »

Redthunder, Michael  
This resume last updated at September 16, 2006

Mr. Michael Redthunder

DOB: 26 April, 1960

Highest Level of Education: Bachelors Degree

Citizenship: United States

Years of Work Experience: 20

Gender: Male
Marital Status: Divorced

Languages Spoken: English, French.

United States
San Diego, CA

Telephone Contacts

Desired Industry of Employment: Administration, Computing and Telecommunications, Industry and Manufacturing, Management, Marketing and PR, Retail & Distribution, Training and Courses.

Personal Resume

Employment history:
Red Thunder Designs
Create Native American art and jewelry. Our designs are throughout the USA and Europe.

Computer Skills:
Apple Macintosh


Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2006, 11:42:04 pm »
His art site comes up as


Hello Black Planet! What a great site. I`m native american and off the rez. I`m a native artist and walk the traditional red road. I`m dakota and choctaw. Also into tae kwon do. I`m 5`9, 155 lbs, long black hair with green eyes. Looking forward in getting to know ya better.

Favorite Pages What's this?
Dialea, ladyblackwolf, lusciousfox, Muana, ndngurl283, Sioux-blackgirl, str8apache

Favorite Links What's this? more pics , my art site

Dialea, Muana, Sioux-blackgirl

Offline littlefeatherspiri

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2006, 11:47:13 pm »

De : "m_redthunder" <m_redthunder@...>
Date : Mardi 14. Octobre 2003  17:22
Objet : new to the group  m_redthunder
 Envoyer un e-mail  

Bonjour! I noticed not many posted recently. Is the group still
active? I'm Dakota-Sioux and Choctaw. I recently visited France
and love it there. Sorry I can read some french but my writing is

De : "m_redthunder" <m_redthunder@...>
Date : Mercredi 15. Octobre 2003  10:26
Objet : Re : new to the group  m_redthunder
 Envoyer un e-mail  

Hi Chris,

I traveled alone to northern France. I'm an artist and make native
jewelry. I wholesale to native galleries. I did not find any native
galleries in France, all in Germany. So my trip to France was
mainly for fun. My next trip to France I will go to southern France.
Nice to meet ya.

Toksa (means "until later" in lakota-sioux),


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2006, 03:00:12 pm »
Received another report on him from a former associate. Some parts were altered to hide their identity.

"He is 1/2 Choctaw (mother is full blood, he was supposedly born on a choctaw reservation in Oklahoma) and 1/4 Lakota (his father is 1/2 Lakota and 1/2 Scottish.)  He grew up spending lots of time on the Lakota reservation, learning medicine ways and also learning about magic from a Lakota 'witch' woman that taught him how to protect himself from bad karma coming back on him.  This gets really twisted but he assured me he was a good person who just wanted to learn the dark ways to protect himself from it.
Has a four year degree from the university of Texas."

(Al's note: There are at least six different "Universities of Texas." The most likely was probably U of North Texas.)

"for me it was a degree in Business (not anthropology or various other subjects he's told people.  One personals ad site of his, had him listed with a Master's degree. )
Name on his driver's license does say Michael Gregory Stuart.  Got a glimpse of it when he was visiting.  
Travels to Europe several times a year on business, to teach people about native ways there and sell his artwork.  He says he makes enough in two conferences to live on for many many months.  (He did mention giving some of the money to needy children on the Rosebud reservation, but who he goes through I have no idea.)
Last I heard from him was during the sumer, living with his parents in Lewisville TX after leaving San Diego a few months before.
None of his artwork shows an enrollment number or anything on the tags that come with it, like legitimate native artwork.  He had some excuse for this, buys a lot of jewelry on trips to New Mexico where his sister lives, from the Navajo.  He also buys star quilts and other items from Lakota people on Rosebud.  One woman he deals with, is a "Grace Broken Leg" who makes star quilts.
Contacts women via the internet. I have seen where he will write women he likes on their website guestbooks, usually dropping some hint about how Indian he is.  That seems to be his big selling point.  

He goes by the handles "M_redthunder" "NDNLOVE", "NDN_LOVE (on match), "NDNLOVER", "NDNMAGIC", "MAGICNDN".  Googling these names will pull up several recent ones.  He always laughs it away and explains that it was just a joke. there is no accountability.  

Didn't see him do any ceremonies, or ask for one.  He talked a good bit to me about them and seemed very knowledgeable.  

Told me once that he had done Yuwipi ceremonies, where the puppy is sacrificed to save a person dying of cancer or other."  

(Al's note: Can anyone confirm this to be true? First I ever heard of any such practice.)

"I asked if he charged for them, and he said "You don't think a medicine man would do any of this stuff for free do you?"  He said that whoever is initiating the ceremony, should pay the medicine man whatever they would pay a doctor for same treatment.  

I wonder if the people in Europe are forking over lots of cash to him upfront.  It sure sounded like it, and like he has quite a following there.  

He helps out with those fake tribes in Germany and such.  When I asked him if that didn't upset him, that people over there were stealing his culture and misusing it, he sneeringly replied "As long as they buy my artwork, I don't care what they do."
He sold items to people wanted to pay by check but he insisted that they leave the "TO:" blank and he would fill it in later, as he was not sure that he wanted to cash it through his business name, or to his father who could in turn pay him cash when he got back to TX.

He claims to be in a high position of authority, with AIM.  He has people telling him about what events are upcoming and so forth.
He is not "violent in his speech".  He was very pleasant, and funny, and charming with sort of a twisted humor. I think he just likes to charm various girlfriends all over and live with them for a while.  But I didn't feel in any danger from him.
He was on a website of a woman named Valeria Valenti, an underwear designer who used to live in California. He did some underwear modeling for her on her product pages.  Maybe they were involved.  

She was into native religion, and he was probably mentoring her.  She removed him from her friends list, and then moved to PA suddenly right before he moved to TX."

Offline Raven_Walkingstick

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Re: Michael Redthunder
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2006, 11:51:02 pm »
The Yuwipi ceremony is a Lakota medicine ceremony.
The practice of sacrificing a puppy in a Yuwipi ceremony can be done for a healing of someone ill.