Found this. There are two would be Southern Cherokees of Kentucky, one now based in OK. (?!)
Keep in mind the source here. We found old Weylin's alleged "band." I broke it into paragraphs instead of one long rant."Originally posted by Weylin Lighteagle[/i]
Osiyo: Concerning Brent Gill and family and the REAl legal Southern Cherokee of Oklahoma. I thought this may help you all out who are trying to wade thru the bs of the Southern Cherokee of Oklahoma. Over the past couple years there has been a lot of corruption going on within the Southern Cherokee government and thousands of dollars were taken by a phoney imposter named Gary Wayne and about 6 or 7 of his cohorts.
There has in the past 14 months been a series of federal prosecutions of these people, in Federal Court in Oklahoma, Muskogee, and in South Bend Indiania. Some two months ago the Griggs family were prosecuted in South Bend and found Guilty as hell on some 74 counts of fraud, all felonies. The four of them are to be sentenced next month , and Roger Griggs is facing up to 200 years in Federal prison, his wife about 95 possible years, and two other members of their family 10 to 21 years.
Brent Gill is a white attorney with no proof of blood at all who was appointed by con man imposter now banished forever ex Chief Gary WAyne Ridge to be the Chief Justice, along with his brothers and cousins and all the Gill kin people they could muster up to keep crook Gary Ridge in power. All the crooks have been banished out of the Southern Cherokee of Oklahoma tribe, and are now being investigated and systematically prosecuted by the US Justice Dept, and con man Gary Wayne Ridge and his wife are going be arrested and charged with some 700 felonies later this year along with one Judy Gunier who had been appointed treasurer and helped scam off some 300 grand out of the tribal building funds.
The Southern Cherokee of Oklahoma has reformed it government this past year and has filed a letter of intent for Fed RECogniton- and their rights under some 8 provisions under the 1866 treaty with the Cherokee were deemed by a Federal Court Judge as Totally Legitmate as a seperate tribe from the now CNO or UKB, whose rights have never been abrogated, though signed and agreed to , had yet never been honored and still pending. Brent Gill is scared poopless that he and his bunch of family members may be prosecuted as well, and does not have anything to do with the Southern Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.
THough there are several groups claiming to be the Southern Cherokee Nation in different states , and several claiming to be the Southern BAnds of Cherokees, they are all bogus and not the ones on the 1866 Treaty. Gary Ridges old Southern Cherokee Nation website is still on the web showing him as chief of the SCN. because the Federal Courts have also been using it as part of an evidence trail in various court trials, and The FBI suggested that the real Southern Cherokee tribe not have it removed for now.
There have been several Federal law enforcement raids over the past recent months such as one in Louisania where Southern Cherokee Nation membership cards were being sold for 25 dollars a piece to anyone who had the money, and the funds were then funneled back to Gary Ridge , who has been banished for months and going to be indicated later on this year. Some ten thousand id cards were confiscated and 19 grand in cash in this recent raid. Hundreds of thousands of id cards have been sold fraudulent that are completely worthless as to tribal membership legal.
I was told by a rep. of the real Southern Cherokee Nation tribe that currently there are only 150 members of their tribe , and that probably there is only about perhaps 150 more people in the US that can qualify and document their lineage to that tribe's direct blood ancestors, and that they are still cooperating and assisting the Bia, FBI, US POSTAL Inspectors, US Marshals , and Washington DC officials to bring these last 5 or 6 criminals to justice. THe real legal Southern Cherokee Tribal address is PO Box 581 Webbers Falls Oklahoma."
Meanwhile, back at the other SC of KY site, their newsletter says they are suing of the SC of KY based on OK for slander.