Just because I shared a link and a graphic from a certain page/website doesn't mean I am promoting a group. That's completely the wrong term and an assumption. They have pertinent, relevant material for Decolonization discussions especially relating and catering to European mindset and psyches, which is exactly why I used the graphics I did. For Awakening, I am well aware that it is a European maintained resource site. There are Native Americans I do not agree with what some of what they are saying, doing or have done, but it doesn't invalidate everything they've said. I can post a link from FOX news in the US, doesn't mean I advocate the news source as a whole or every story they generate. There are native groups I may post material from but I do not agree with some activities or perspectives as a whole, or maybe someone as an individual. Many nations, many views, but if there IS something they may have said that is helpful to a theme I am advocating, then I use it for the beneficial properties it contains.
I posted that material. I, Red Haircrow. I have not personally posted anything on the "Misuse" group at Facebook about William Jervis. Besides moderating discussions directly on that page for the benefit of the page and its guidelines, I have never had nor have any interest in any discussion with or about William Jervis either. I have actively advocated not to do so as it could certainly be construed as a personal attack or vendetta, when from my perspective the message is general and absolutely from my perspective not trying to target anyone. So, on several points I absolutely agree with you regarding methods or behaviors. There was no "we" in that regard.
Like the AIMCTX motto, however, where I am being sponsored by a Lakota elder for acting membership, "It's not about me, it's about the people." It is for educating all, not about any advocating of a certain personal viewpoint or self. So questioning that page's or my integrity, responsibility or commitment because of a graphic and resource group I posted? You may just be questioning for general information and also for others who may be reading the board, I realize that, but it does validate the attempts to belittle and undermine this particular campaign and even us individually, instead of ever trying to help out oneself. And then people get discouraged and wonder why no real steps forward can be made.
I am very well aware of the postings certain people have made on other forums. What they don't think of maybe is that I run several websites, a business, etc. so I know when they've posted about me, and absolutely I can see when they link to my pages/websites or visit them, their IP info, location, etc. is shown. That is the same for any website adminstrator. My point in saying is to reinforce I am aware of it, and I never responded because it would validate and facilitate what, from my perspective, is simply to argue for argue's sake and promote their own viewpoints without having any practical, in person and/or informative interactions with natives. Plus I simply don't have time for such as I am actively participating and educating to improve quality of life for natives and those who have become inter-related in a daily basis. This IS my main profession whether I'm writing, doing a counseling session or making a film. It's my only goal. So when that is challenged, quoting you: "So why is a campaign allegedly aiming", you are calling me, my very character into question on all levels.
Stop Misuse is an educational campaign. It is not a platform for calling out or posting about plastic shamans, and it's certainly not why I agreed to be there. To do it that way would just feed and cause people to attack and create confrontations, that could be psychologically damaging for both parties. Not what I'm about, besides which, that would seem personal. I am responding as a courtesy, because to me from a minority having grown up in an racially oppressive regime, it is like you are publicly demanding an answer so you/this board can make some judgement on the campaign, undermine the message and those who began it. Like I am in court and have to make some statement of accountability. That may not be as you meant it, but that's exactly how it comes over to me. Like I said, a courtesy, now I'm off to begin first day's filming on a documentary on racism, stereotypes and Native Americans in Germany after working on my professional paper on native suicide. Not a past-time. Regards.